
Represents a range of slots, where each slot is either vacant or occupied by an integer whose value corresponds to the slot position, taken zero-relative.

The idea is to start with an initial instance whose slots are all vacant, then to add items in at some vacant slot without knowing the exact slot position; instead we specify the vacant slot's index wrt the rest of the vacant slots without caring about the ones already filled.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def fillVacantSlotAtIndex(indexOfVacantSlotAsCountedByVacanciesOnly: Int): (Int, RangeOfSlots)

Fill in a vacant slot with a value that denotes the slot's position.

Fill in a vacant slot with a value that denotes the slot's position.

Value parameters:

Picks out a vacant slot, the value must range from 0 to one less than the number of vacant slots.


The position of the filled slot and this with the given vacant slot filled.


We don't specify or expect to know the exact slot position, rather we work in terms of how many vacant slots there are.