
final implicit
class ScalaObservable[T](val underlying: Observable[T]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def fold[R](z: R)(op: (R, T) => R): Observable[R]

we not named foldLeft to indicate that Observable may emit items "out of order" (not like Future) Ex: Observable.from(2, 1).flatMap(Observable.timer(_ seconds)).fold("")(_ + _) is Observable of "12" (not "21")

we not named foldLeft to indicate that Observable may emit items "out of order" (not like Future) Ex: Observable.from(2, 1).flatMap(Observable.timer(_ seconds)).fold("")(_ + _) is Observable of "12" (not "21")


result may "out of order"

def scConcatMap[R](f: T => Observable[R]): Observable[R]

scala concatMap. We can't name concatMap because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method.

scala concatMap. We can't name concatMap because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method.


If don't need in-order then you should use scFlatMap

def scFlatMap[R](f: T => Observable[R]): Observable[R]

scala flatMap. We can't name flatMap because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method.

scala flatMap. We can't name flatMap because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method.


result may "out of order". If need in-order then you should use scConcatMap

def scMap[R](f: T => R): Observable[R]

scala map. We can't name map because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method

scala map. We can't name map because scala compiler will not implicitly pick this method

def toFuture: Future[T]

if underlying:

  • is empty then toFuture will fail with NoSuchElementException("Sequence contains no elements")
  • emit more than one values then toFuture will fail with IllegalArgumentException("Sequence contains too many elements")

Concrete fields

val underlying: Observable[T]