
Interface CdsDataStore

  • public interface CdsDataStore
    The CdsDataStore is used to interact with a data source. It allows to execute CDS QL queries, as well as insert, upsert, update and delete statements.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnSelect select,
                       Object... paramValues)
        Executes a CqnSelect statement with optional positional values for indexed parameters, see CQL.param(int).
        select - the CQN select statement to be executed
        paramValues - the positional parameter values
        the Result of the query
      • execute

        default Result execute​(CqnSelect select,
                               Iterable<Map<String,​Object>> valueSets)
        Executes a CqnSelect statement as batch with the given named parameter values. Named parameters are required either in the where clause, or in one infix filter of the from clause. If the number of entries in valueSets is larger than the default batch size, the select statement is executed multiple times and the result sets are combined, in this case order by clauses are not supported and an exception is thrown.
        select - the CQN select statement to be executed
        valueSets - the named parameter value sets
        the Result of the batch select
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnSelect select,
                       Iterable<Map<String,​Object>> valueSets,
                       int maxBatchSize)
        Executes a CqnSelect statement as batch with the given named parameter values. Named parameters are required either in the where clause, or in one infix filter of the from clause. If the number of entries in valueSets is larger than maxBatchSize, the select statement is executed multiple times and the result sets are combined, in this case order by clauses are not supported and an exception is thrown.
        select - the CQN select statement to be executed
        valueSets - the named parameter value sets
        maxBatchSize - the maximum batch size
        the Result of the batch select
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnInsert insert)
        Executes a CqnInsert statement.
        insert - the CQN insert statement to be executed
        the Result of the insert
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnUpsert upsert)
        Executes a CqnUpsert statement.
        upsert - the CQN upsert statement to be executed
        the Result of the upsert
      • execute

        default Result execute​(CqnUpdate update)
        Executes a CqnUpdate statement.
        update - the CQN update statement to be executed
        the Result of the update
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnUpdate update,
                       Object... paramValues)
        Executes a CqnUpdate statement with optional positional values for indexed parameters, see CQL.param(int).
        update - the CQN update statement to be executed
        paramValues - the positional parameter values
        the Result of the update
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnUpdate update,
                       Iterable<Map<String,​Object>> valueSets)
        Executes a CqnUpdate statement as batch with the given named parameter values.
        update - the CQN update statement to be executed
        valueSets - the named parameter value sets
        the Result of the batch update
      • execute

        default Result execute​(CqnDelete delete)
        Executes a CqnDelete statement .
        delete - the CQN delete statement to be executed
        the Result of the delete
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnDelete delete,
                       Object... paramValues)
        Executes a CqnDelete statement with optional positional values for indexed parameters, see CQL.param(int).
        delete - the CQN delete statement to be executed
        paramValues - the positional parameter values
        the Result of the delete
      • execute

        Result execute​(CqnDelete delete,
                       Iterable<Map<String,​Object>> valueSets)
        Executes a CqnDelete statement as batch with the given named parameter values.
        delete - the CQN delete statement to be executed
        valueSets - the named parameter value sets
        the Result of the batch delete
      • setSessionContext

        void setSessionContext​(SessionContext session)