Interface CqnUpdate

    • Method Detail

      • data

        Map<String,​Object> data()
        The data to be updated by this statement.
        a reference to this statement's update data
      • entries

        List<Map<String,​Object>> entries()
        The entries to be updated by this statement.
        a reference to this statement's update entries
      • elements

        Stream<String> elements()
        The elements to be updated by this statement.
        a stream of the elements to be updated
      • isUpdate

        default boolean isUpdate()
        Description copied from interface: CqnStatement
        Returns true if this is a CqnUpdate statement.
        Specified by:
        isUpdate in interface CqnStatement
        true if this is an update statement, otherwise false
      • asUpdate

        default CqnUpdate asUpdate()
        Description copied from interface: CqnStatement
        Casts this CQN statement to CqnUpdate.
        Specified by:
        asUpdate in interface CqnStatement
        this statement as a CqnUpdate