All Classes and Interfaces

Contains the analysis result for a CqnStructuredTypeRef or CqnStatement.
Internal ServiceLoader class.
This exception is thrown when the client is unable to communicate with the remote system, such as data store or MTX "sidecar".
Represents data of CDS objects, which can be accessed as a Map<String, Object> and hold additional metadata.
The CdsDataProcessor allows to process deeply nested maps of CDS data, by executing a sequence of registered handlers of type CdsDataProcessor.Generator, CdsDataProcessor.Converter or CdsDataProcessor.Validator.
Function to convert or remove a value for a CdsElement.
Predicate to filter a CdsElement by the element's CdsType.
Function to compute a value for a CdsElement.
Function to validate the value of a CdsElement.
The CdsDataStore is used to interact with a data source.
Builder interface to programmatically create a CdsDataStoreConnector.
Factory interface to create CdsDataStoreConnectorBuilder
Exception thrown when an operation fails in the CdsDataStore.
Indicates a missing definition CdsDefinition in CDS model.
Indicates a missing CdsElement in CdsDefinition.
A list of data to be used in Insert, Update and Upsert statements.
Indicates that pessimistic locking conflict occurs when querying data from data source that does not result in transaction rollback.
The CdsModel represents the complete CDS model and is the starting point for the introspection.
Indicates that a CdsEntity doesn't have an operation (action or function) with a specified name.
Indicates the path to access structured CdsData.
A ContainerTransactionManager is a thread-safe API that allows to manage transactions of an underlying data source.
Service Provider Interface for the CqnAnalyzer.
Service Provider Interface
A predicate that connects multiple predicates with a logical operator (AND/OR).
The entity selector describes a basic selection from an entity set.
The in predicate tests wether an actual value is equal to any value from a defined value set.
A CQN literal value of type CqnLiteral.
Predicate that tests whether any|all elements of an entity set match a given condition
The sort order of a CqnSortSpecification
A CqnToken tree visitor conform to the visitor design pattern.
Provides runtime configuration parameters for CdsDataStore implementations.
Delete<T extends StructuredType<?>>
The Delete Builder allows to construct CDS QL delete statements, which can be executed via the CdsDataStore.
Thrown by the runtime when Result.single() is executed and the result is empty.
Expand<T extends StructuredType<?>>
The Insert builder allows to construct CDS QL insert statements, which can be executed via the CdsDataStore.
Provider interface for modifying CQN Predicates, Values and Statements copied with CQL.copy.
Thrown by the runtime when Result.single() is executed and the result contains more than one row.
Thrown to indicate that a NOT NULL constraint has been violated during an attempt to insert or update a CdsEntity.
Builder for CQN references.
A modifiable ref segment.
Contains information on a CqnReference.Segment of a CqnStructuredTypeRef
Represents the result data returned by the CdsDataStore.
Builder class to programmatically create a Result to represent the result of queries, insert, update and delete operations.
Exception indicating that a transaction has been rolled back
Represents a single result data set of the CdsDataStore.
An entity that can be searched for a search term or to which a search expression can be applied.
Select<T extends StructuredType<?>>
The Select builder allows to construct CDS QL select statements, which can be executed via the CdsDataStore.
Expressions that can be put on the select list of Select statements.
Source<T extends StructuredType<?>>
Struct provides static helper methods to access data given as Map via an accessor interface.
Builder to define sets of structured CDS entities and types using filtered path expressions, to define predicates on these sets, and to address elements of structured types.
Exception indicating an unexpected error condition that prevents transaction handling
Factory for a transaction manager
An exception indicating that an operation required an active transaction but no transaction is active
Thrown by the data store, if a unique constraint is violated when executing an insert, upsert or update statement.
Update<T extends StructuredType<?>>
The Update Builder allows to construct CDS QL update statements, which can be executed via the CdsDataStore.
The Upsert builder allows to construct a CDS QL Upsert statements, which can be executed via the CdsDataStore.