Interface ElementRef<T>

All Superinterfaces:
CqnElementRef, CqnReference, CqnSelectListItem, CqnSelectListValue, CqnToken, CqnValue, JSONizable, Orderable, Selectable, Value<T>

public interface ElementRef<T> extends Value<T>, CqnElementRef
  • Method Details

    • as

      ElementRef<T> as(String alias)
      Sets an alias.
      Specified by:
      as in interface Value<T>
      alias - the alias
      a ref with the given alias. Can be a new ref if this ref is immutable
    • type

      <U> Value<U> type(String type)
      Sets the type.
      Specified by:
      type in interface Value<T>
      type - the type name
      a ref with the given type. Can be a new ref if this ref is immutable