
class SessionConfigurationUpdate @JvmOverloads constructor(foregroundTimeout: TimeMeasure = TimeMeasure(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES), backgroundTimeout: TimeMeasure = TimeMeasure(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) : SessionConfiguration


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fun SessionConfigurationUpdate(foregroundTimeout: TimeMeasure = TimeMeasure(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES), backgroundTimeout: TimeMeasure = TimeMeasure(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES))


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open override fun copy(): Configuration
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open override var backgroundTimeout: TimeMeasure

The amount of time that can elapse before the session id is updated while the app is in the background.

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open override var foregroundTimeout: TimeMeasure

The amount of time that can elapse before the session id is updated while the app is in the foreground.

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var isPaused: Boolean = false
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The callback called everytime the session is updated.

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