Interface ApiClient

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ApiClient
Common interface for all API clients. RestApiClient is the preferred implementation
  • Method Details

    • withCredentials

      ApiClient withCredentials​(String username, String apiKey)
      Set the username and API key credentials. This is required for most service methods.
      This instance
    • withBearerToken

      ApiClient withBearerToken​(String token)
      Uses a HTTP Bearer token for authentication instead of API key.
      This instance
    • withLoggingEnabled

      ApiClient withLoggingEnabled()
      Enables logging for client API calls
      This instance
    • getCredentials

      HttpCredentials getCredentials()
      Returns the HTTP Authorization header
      This instance
    • createService

      <S extends Service> S createService​(Class<S> serviceClass, String id)
      Get a service for the given sets of classes and optional ID. It is not recommended to call this directly, but rather invoke the service method on the type class. E.g. Account.service(ApiClient).