
public class Partner
extends Entity
Contains business partner details associated with a brand. Country Enterprise Identifier (CEID), Channel ID, Segment ID and Reseller Level.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • brand

      @ApiProperty protected Brand brand
      Brand associated with the business partner data
    • channel

      @ApiProperty protected Channel channel
      Channel indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • segment

      @ApiProperty protected Segment segment
      Segment indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • channelId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long channelId
      Brand business partner channel identifier
    • channelIdSpecified

      protected boolean channelIdSpecified
    • countryEnterpriseCode

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String countryEnterpriseCode
      Brand business partner country enterprise code
    • countryEnterpriseCodeSpecified

      protected boolean countryEnterpriseCodeSpecified
    • resellerLevel

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long resellerLevel
      Reseller level of a brand business partner
    • resellerLevelSpecified

      protected boolean resellerLevelSpecified
    • segmentId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long segmentId
      Brand business partner segment identifier
    • segmentIdSpecified

      protected boolean segmentIdSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Partner

      public Partner()
  • Method Details

    • getBrand

      public Brand getBrand()
    • setBrand

      public void setBrand​(Brand brand)
    • getChannel

      public Channel getChannel()
    • setChannel

      public void setChannel​(Channel channel)
    • getSegment

      public Segment getSegment()
    • setSegment

      public void setSegment​(Segment segment)
    • getChannelId

      public Long getChannelId()
    • setChannelId

      public void setChannelId​(Long channelId)
    • isChannelIdSpecified

      public boolean isChannelIdSpecified()
    • unsetChannelId

      public void unsetChannelId()
    • getCountryEnterpriseCode

      public String getCountryEnterpriseCode()
    • setCountryEnterpriseCode

      public void setCountryEnterpriseCode​(String countryEnterpriseCode)
    • isCountryEnterpriseCodeSpecified

      public boolean isCountryEnterpriseCodeSpecified()
    • unsetCountryEnterpriseCode

      public void unsetCountryEnterpriseCode()
    • getResellerLevel

      public Long getResellerLevel()
    • setResellerLevel

      public void setResellerLevel​(Long resellerLevel)
    • isResellerLevelSpecified

      public boolean isResellerLevelSpecified()
    • unsetResellerLevel

      public void unsetResellerLevel()
    • getSegmentId

      public Long getSegmentId()
    • setSegmentId

      public void setSegmentId​(Long segmentId)
    • isSegmentIdSpecified

      public boolean isSegmentIdSpecified()
    • unsetSegmentId

      public void unsetSegmentId()
    • service

      public static Partner.Service service​(ApiClient client)