Class Domain

Direct Known Subclasses:
Forward, Reverse

public class Domain
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain data type represents a single DNS domain record hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers. Domains contain general information about the domain name such as name and serial. Individual records such as A, AAAA, CTYPE, and MX records are stored in the domain's associated [[SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord (type)|SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord]] records.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • account

      @ApiProperty protected Account account
      The SoftLayer customer account that owns a domain.
    • managedResourceFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean managedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the dns domain record is a managed resource.
    • resourceRecords

      @ApiProperty protected List<ResourceRecord> resourceRecords
      The individual records contained within a domain record. These include but are not limited to A, AAAA, MX, CTYPE, SPF and TXT records.
    • secondary

      @ApiProperty protected Secondary secondary
      The secondary DNS record that defines this domain as being managed through zone transfers.
    • soaResourceRecord

      @ApiProperty protected SoaType soaResourceRecord
      The start of authority (SOA) record contains authoritative and propagation details for a DNS zone. This property is not considered in requests to createObject and editObject.
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      A domain record's internal identifier.
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • name

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String name
      A domain's name including top-level domain, for example "".
    • nameSpecified

      protected boolean nameSpecified
    • serial

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long serial
      A unique number denoting the latest revision of a domain. Whenever a domain is changed its corresponding serial number is also changed. Serial numbers typically follow the format yyyymmdd## where yyyy is the current year, mm is the current month, dd is the current day of the month, and ## is the number of the revision for that day. A domain's serial number is automatically updated when edited via the API.
    • serialSpecified

      protected boolean serialSpecified
    • updateDate

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar updateDate
      The date that this domain record was last updated.
    • updateDateSpecified

      protected boolean updateDateSpecified
    • resourceRecordCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long resourceRecordCount
      A count of the individual records contained within a domain record. These include but are not limited to A, AAAA, MX, CTYPE, SPF and TXT records.
  • Constructor Details

    • Domain

      public Domain()
  • Method Details

    • getAccount

      public Account getAccount()
    • setAccount

      public void setAccount​(Account account)
    • getManagedResourceFlag

      public Boolean getManagedResourceFlag()
    • setManagedResourceFlag

      public void setManagedResourceFlag​(Boolean managedResourceFlag)
    • getResourceRecords

      public List<ResourceRecord> getResourceRecords()
    • getSecondary

      public Secondary getSecondary()
    • setSecondary

      public void setSecondary​(Secondary secondary)
    • getSoaResourceRecord

      public SoaType getSoaResourceRecord()
    • setSoaResourceRecord

      public void setSoaResourceRecord​(SoaType soaResourceRecord)
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName​(String name)
    • isNameSpecified

      public boolean isNameSpecified()
    • unsetName

      public void unsetName()
    • getSerial

      public Long getSerial()
    • setSerial

      public void setSerial​(Long serial)
    • isSerialSpecified

      public boolean isSerialSpecified()
    • unsetSerial

      public void unsetSerial()
    • getUpdateDate

      public GregorianCalendar getUpdateDate()
    • setUpdateDate

      public void setUpdateDate​(GregorianCalendar updateDate)
    • isUpdateDateSpecified

      public boolean isUpdateDateSpecified()
    • unsetUpdateDate

      public void unsetUpdateDate()
    • getResourceRecordCount

      public Long getResourceRecordCount()
    • setResourceRecordCount

      public void setResourceRecordCount​(Long resourceRecordCount)
    • asService

      public Domain.Service asService​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Domain.Service service​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Domain.Service service​(ApiClient client, Long id)