Class Component

Direct Known Subclasses:
DriveController, HardDrive, Motherboard, NetworkCard, Processor, Ram, RemoteManagement, SecurityDevice

public class Component
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component data type abstracts information related to a hardware component.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • capacity

      @ApiProperty protected BigDecimal capacity
      A component's capacity.
    • children

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> children
      A components sub components. Devices that are usually integrated or in some way attached to a component.
    • componentRevision

      @ApiProperty protected String componentRevision
      A component's Revision.
    • downlinkHardwareComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> downlinkHardwareComponents
    • hardware

      @ApiProperty protected Hardware hardware
      The hardware object that this component belongs to.
    • hardwareComponentModel

      @ApiProperty protected Model hardwareComponentModel
      The general group of component models.
    • hardwareComponentType

      @ApiProperty protected Type hardwareComponentType
      A components type.
    • isChildModule

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean isChildModule
    • logicalVolumeStorageGroups

      @ApiProperty protected List<Group> logicalVolumeStorageGroups
      Returns the associated logic volume storage groups for the hardware component.
    • m2SataSlotCapacity

      @ApiProperty protected String m2SataSlotCapacity
      A component's M.2 SATA capacity.
    • moduleComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> moduleComponents
      The module's hardware components
    • moduleHardwareComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> moduleHardwareComponents
      The module's hardware components
    • moduleNetworkComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> moduleNetworkComponents
      The module's network components
    • modules

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> modules
    • networkComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> networkComponents
      The components local ethernet and remote management interfaces
    • owner

      @ApiProperty protected Account owner
      The account this component belongs to.
    • parent

      @ApiProperty protected Component parent
      A components parent. Devices that are usually integrated or in some way attached to a component.
    • parentModule

      @ApiProperty protected Component parentModule
    • prefixAttribute

      @ApiProperty protected Attribute prefixAttribute
    • raidMode

      @ApiProperty protected String raidMode
      A RAID controllers RAID mode.
    • revision

      @ApiProperty protected Revision revision
      The component revision designation.
    • serviceProvider

      @ApiProperty protected Provider serviceProvider
    • uplinkHardwareComponents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Component> uplinkHardwareComponents
    • hardwareComponentModelId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long hardwareComponentModelId
      The internal identifier of a hardware component's component model.
    • hardwareComponentModelIdSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareComponentModelIdSpecified
    • hardwareId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long hardwareId
      The internal identifier of the hardware that a hardware component resides inside.
    • hardwareIdSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareIdSpecified
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      A hardware component's internal identifier.
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • modifyDate

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar modifyDate
      The date that a hardware component was last modified.
    • modifyDateSpecified

      protected boolean modifyDateSpecified
    • name

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String name
      The name of this component as referenced by the operating system.
    • nameSpecified

      protected boolean nameSpecified
    • serialNumber

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String serialNumber
      The component serial number.
    • serialNumberSpecified

      protected boolean serialNumberSpecified
    • serviceProviderId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long serviceProviderId
      A hardware's internal identification number at its service provider
    • serviceProviderIdSpecified

      protected boolean serviceProviderIdSpecified
    • childrenCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long childrenCount
      A count of a components sub components. Devices that are usually integrated or in some way attached to a component.
    • downlinkHardwareComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long downlinkHardwareComponentCount
      A count of
    • logicalVolumeStorageGroupCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long logicalVolumeStorageGroupCount
      A count of returns the associated logic volume storage groups for the hardware component.
    • moduleComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long moduleComponentCount
      A count of the module's hardware components
    • moduleCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long moduleCount
      A count of
    • moduleHardwareComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long moduleHardwareComponentCount
      A count of the module's hardware components
    • moduleNetworkComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long moduleNetworkComponentCount
      A count of the module's network components
    • networkComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long networkComponentCount
      A count of the components local ethernet and remote management interfaces
    • uplinkHardwareComponentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long uplinkHardwareComponentCount
      A count of
  • Constructor Details

    • Component

      public Component()
  • Method Details

    • getCapacity

      public BigDecimal getCapacity()
    • setCapacity

      public void setCapacity​(BigDecimal capacity)
    • getChildren

      public List<Component> getChildren()
    • getComponentRevision

      public String getComponentRevision()
    • setComponentRevision

      public void setComponentRevision​(String componentRevision)
    • getDownlinkHardwareComponents

      public List<Component> getDownlinkHardwareComponents()
    • getHardware

      public Hardware getHardware()
    • setHardware

      public void setHardware​(Hardware hardware)
    • getHardwareComponentModel

      public Model getHardwareComponentModel()
    • setHardwareComponentModel

      public void setHardwareComponentModel​(Model hardwareComponentModel)
    • getHardwareComponentType

      public Type getHardwareComponentType()
    • setHardwareComponentType

      public void setHardwareComponentType​(Type hardwareComponentType)
    • getIsChildModule

      public Boolean getIsChildModule()
    • setIsChildModule

      public void setIsChildModule​(Boolean isChildModule)
    • getLogicalVolumeStorageGroups

      public List<Group> getLogicalVolumeStorageGroups()
    • getM2SataSlotCapacity

      public String getM2SataSlotCapacity()
    • setM2SataSlotCapacity

      public void setM2SataSlotCapacity​(String m2SataSlotCapacity)
    • getModuleComponents

      public List<Component> getModuleComponents()
    • getModuleHardwareComponents

      public List<Component> getModuleHardwareComponents()
    • getModuleNetworkComponents

      public List<Component> getModuleNetworkComponents()
    • getModules

      public List<Component> getModules()
    • getNetworkComponents

      public List<Component> getNetworkComponents()
    • getOwner

      public Account getOwner()
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner​(Account owner)
    • getParent

      public Component getParent()
    • setParent

      public void setParent​(Component parent)
    • getParentModule

      public Component getParentModule()
    • setParentModule

      public void setParentModule​(Component parentModule)
    • getPrefixAttribute

      public Attribute getPrefixAttribute()
    • setPrefixAttribute

      public void setPrefixAttribute​(Attribute prefixAttribute)
    • getRaidMode

      public String getRaidMode()
    • setRaidMode

      public void setRaidMode​(String raidMode)
    • getRevision

      public Revision getRevision()
    • setRevision

      public void setRevision​(Revision revision)
    • getServiceProvider

      public Provider getServiceProvider()
    • setServiceProvider

      public void setServiceProvider​(Provider serviceProvider)
    • getUplinkHardwareComponents

      public List<Component> getUplinkHardwareComponents()
    • getHardwareComponentModelId

      public Long getHardwareComponentModelId()
    • setHardwareComponentModelId

      public void setHardwareComponentModelId​(Long hardwareComponentModelId)
    • isHardwareComponentModelIdSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareComponentModelIdSpecified()
    • unsetHardwareComponentModelId

      public void unsetHardwareComponentModelId()
    • getHardwareId

      public Long getHardwareId()
    • setHardwareId

      public void setHardwareId​(Long hardwareId)
    • isHardwareIdSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareIdSpecified()
    • unsetHardwareId

      public void unsetHardwareId()
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getModifyDate

      public GregorianCalendar getModifyDate()
    • setModifyDate

      public void setModifyDate​(GregorianCalendar modifyDate)
    • isModifyDateSpecified

      public boolean isModifyDateSpecified()
    • unsetModifyDate

      public void unsetModifyDate()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName​(String name)
    • isNameSpecified

      public boolean isNameSpecified()
    • unsetName

      public void unsetName()
    • getSerialNumber

      public String getSerialNumber()
    • setSerialNumber

      public void setSerialNumber​(String serialNumber)
    • isSerialNumberSpecified

      public boolean isSerialNumberSpecified()
    • unsetSerialNumber

      public void unsetSerialNumber()
    • getServiceProviderId

      public Long getServiceProviderId()
    • setServiceProviderId

      public void setServiceProviderId​(Long serviceProviderId)
    • isServiceProviderIdSpecified

      public boolean isServiceProviderIdSpecified()
    • unsetServiceProviderId

      public void unsetServiceProviderId()
    • getChildrenCount

      public Long getChildrenCount()
    • setChildrenCount

      public void setChildrenCount​(Long childrenCount)
    • getDownlinkHardwareComponentCount

      public Long getDownlinkHardwareComponentCount()
    • setDownlinkHardwareComponentCount

      public void setDownlinkHardwareComponentCount​(Long downlinkHardwareComponentCount)
    • getLogicalVolumeStorageGroupCount

      public Long getLogicalVolumeStorageGroupCount()
    • setLogicalVolumeStorageGroupCount

      public void setLogicalVolumeStorageGroupCount​(Long logicalVolumeStorageGroupCount)
    • getModuleComponentCount

      public Long getModuleComponentCount()
    • setModuleComponentCount

      public void setModuleComponentCount​(Long moduleComponentCount)
    • getModuleCount

      public Long getModuleCount()
    • setModuleCount

      public void setModuleCount​(Long moduleCount)
    • getModuleHardwareComponentCount

      public Long getModuleHardwareComponentCount()
    • setModuleHardwareComponentCount

      public void setModuleHardwareComponentCount​(Long moduleHardwareComponentCount)
    • getModuleNetworkComponentCount

      public Long getModuleNetworkComponentCount()
    • setModuleNetworkComponentCount

      public void setModuleNetworkComponentCount​(Long moduleNetworkComponentCount)
    • getNetworkComponentCount

      public Long getNetworkComponentCount()
    • setNetworkComponentCount

      public void setNetworkComponentCount​(Long networkComponentCount)
    • getUplinkHardwareComponentCount

      public Long getUplinkHardwareComponentCount()
    • setUplinkHardwareComponentCount

      public void setUplinkHardwareComponentCount​(Long uplinkHardwareComponentCount)