Class Certification


public class Certification
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware benchmark certification document.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • account

      @ApiProperty protected Account account
      Information regarding a benchmark certification result's associated SoftLayer customer account.
    • hardware

      @ApiProperty protected Hardware hardware
      Information regarding the piece of hardware on which a benchmark certification test was performed.
    • accountId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long accountId
      The internal identifier of the SoftLayer customer account associated with a benchmark certification result.
    • accountIdSpecified

      protected boolean accountIdSpecified
    • createDate

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected GregorianCalendar createDate
      The date that a benchmark certification result was generated.
    • createDateSpecified

      protected boolean createDateSpecified
    • hardwareId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long hardwareId
      A benchmark certification results's associated hardware's internal identification number.
    • hardwareIdSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareIdSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Certification

      public Certification()
  • Method Details

    • getAccount

      public Account getAccount()
    • setAccount

      public void setAccount​(Account account)
    • getHardware

      public Hardware getHardware()
    • setHardware

      public void setHardware​(Hardware hardware)
    • getAccountId

      public Long getAccountId()
    • setAccountId

      public void setAccountId​(Long accountId)
    • isAccountIdSpecified

      public boolean isAccountIdSpecified()
    • unsetAccountId

      public void unsetAccountId()
    • getCreateDate

      public GregorianCalendar getCreateDate()
    • setCreateDate

      public void setCreateDate​(GregorianCalendar createDate)
    • isCreateDateSpecified

      public boolean isCreateDateSpecified()
    • unsetCreateDate

      public void unsetCreateDate()
    • getHardwareId

      public Long getHardwareId()
    • setHardwareId

      public void setHardwareId​(Long hardwareId)
    • isHardwareIdSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareIdSpecified()
    • unsetHardwareId

      public void unsetHardwareId()
    • service

      public static Certification.Service service​(ApiClient client)