
public class Host
extends Entity
The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • loadBalancerAccount

      @ApiProperty protected Account loadBalancerAccount
      The global load balancer account a host belongs to.
    • destinationIp

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String destinationIp
      The IP address of the host that will be returned by the global load balancers in response to a dns request.
    • destinationIpSpecified

      protected boolean destinationIpSpecified
    • destinationPort

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long destinationPort
      The port of the host that will be used for health checks.
    • destinationPortSpecified

      protected boolean destinationPortSpecified
    • enabled

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long enabled
      Whether the host is enabled or not. The value can be '0' for disabled, or '1' for enabled.
    • enabledSpecified

      protected boolean enabledSpecified
    • healthCheck

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String healthCheck
      The health check type of a host. Valid values include 'none', 'http', and 'tcp'.
    • healthCheckSpecified

      protected boolean healthCheckSpecified
    • hits

      The number of times the host was selected by the load balance method.
    • hitsSpecified

      protected boolean hitsSpecified
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      The unique identifier of a global load balancer host.
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • loadBalanceOrder

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long loadBalanceOrder
      The order of this host within the load balance pool. This is only significant if the load balance method is set to failover.
    • loadBalanceOrderSpecified

      protected boolean loadBalanceOrderSpecified
    • location

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String location
      The location of a host in a datacenter.serverRoom format.
    • locationSpecified

      protected boolean locationSpecified
    • status

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String status
      The health status of a host. The status can be either 'UP', 'DOWN', or null which could mean that the health check type is set to 'none' or an update to the ip, port, or health check type was recently done and the host is waiting for the new status.
    • statusSpecified

      protected boolean statusSpecified
    • weight

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long weight
      The load balance weight of a host. The total weight of all hosts in the load balancing pool must not exceed 100.
    • weightSpecified

      protected boolean weightSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Host

      public Host()
  • Method Details

    • getLoadBalancerAccount

      public Account getLoadBalancerAccount()
    • setLoadBalancerAccount

      public void setLoadBalancerAccount​(Account loadBalancerAccount)
    • getDestinationIp

      public String getDestinationIp()
    • setDestinationIp

      public void setDestinationIp​(String destinationIp)
    • isDestinationIpSpecified

      public boolean isDestinationIpSpecified()
    • unsetDestinationIp

      public void unsetDestinationIp()
    • getDestinationPort

      public Long getDestinationPort()
    • setDestinationPort

      public void setDestinationPort​(Long destinationPort)
    • isDestinationPortSpecified

      public boolean isDestinationPortSpecified()
    • unsetDestinationPort

      public void unsetDestinationPort()
    • getEnabled

      public Long getEnabled()
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled​(Long enabled)
    • isEnabledSpecified

      public boolean isEnabledSpecified()
    • unsetEnabled

      public void unsetEnabled()
    • getHealthCheck

      public String getHealthCheck()
    • setHealthCheck

      public void setHealthCheck​(String healthCheck)
    • isHealthCheckSpecified

      public boolean isHealthCheckSpecified()
    • unsetHealthCheck

      public void unsetHealthCheck()
    • getHits

      public BigDecimal getHits()
    • setHits

      public void setHits​(BigDecimal hits)
    • isHitsSpecified

      public boolean isHitsSpecified()
    • unsetHits

      public void unsetHits()
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getLoadBalanceOrder

      public Long getLoadBalanceOrder()
    • setLoadBalanceOrder

      public void setLoadBalanceOrder​(Long loadBalanceOrder)
    • isLoadBalanceOrderSpecified

      public boolean isLoadBalanceOrderSpecified()
    • unsetLoadBalanceOrder

      public void unsetLoadBalanceOrder()
    • getLocation

      public String getLocation()
    • setLocation

      public void setLocation​(String location)
    • isLocationSpecified

      public boolean isLocationSpecified()
    • unsetLocation

      public void unsetLocation()
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus​(String status)
    • isStatusSpecified

      public boolean isStatusSpecified()
    • unsetStatus

      public void unsetStatus()
    • getWeight

      public Long getWeight()
    • setWeight

      public void setWeight​(Long weight)
    • isWeightSpecified

      public boolean isWeightSpecified()
    • unsetWeight

      public void unsetWeight()
    • asService

      public Host.Service asService​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Host.Service service​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Host.Service service​(ApiClient client, Long id)