Direct Known Subclasses:
Hardware, IpAddress, Subnet, VirtualGuest

public class Host
extends Entity
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • assignedGroups

      @ApiProperty protected List<Group> assignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • assignedIscsiVolumes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Storage> assignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • assignedNfsVolumes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Storage> assignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • assignedReplicationVolumes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Storage> assignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • assignedVolumes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Storage> assignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • credential

      @ApiProperty protected Credential credential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • sourceSubnet

      @ApiProperty protected String sourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • subnetsInAcl

      @ApiProperty protected List<Subnet> subnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • accountId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long accountId
      The account to which this allowed host belongs to.
    • accountIdSpecified

      protected boolean accountIdSpecified
    • credentialId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long credentialId
      The credential this allowed host will use
    • credentialIdSpecified

      protected boolean credentialIdSpecified
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      The internal identifier of the igroup
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • name

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String name
      The name of allowed host, usually an IQN or other identifier
    • nameSpecified

      protected boolean nameSpecified
    • resourceTableId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long resourceTableId
    • resourceTableIdSpecified

      protected boolean resourceTableIdSpecified
    • resourceTableName

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String resourceTableName
    • resourceTableNameSpecified

      protected boolean resourceTableNameSpecified
    • assignedGroupCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long assignedGroupCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • assignedIscsiVolumeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long assignedIscsiVolumeCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • assignedNfsVolumeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long assignedNfsVolumeCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • assignedReplicationVolumeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long assignedReplicationVolumeCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • assignedVolumeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long assignedVolumeCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • subnetsInAclCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long subnetsInAclCount
      A count of the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
  • Constructor Details

    • Host

      public Host()
  • Method Details

    • getAssignedGroups

      public List<Group> getAssignedGroups()
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes

      public List<Storage> getAssignedIscsiVolumes()
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes

      public List<Storage> getAssignedNfsVolumes()
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes

      public List<Storage> getAssignedReplicationVolumes()
    • getAssignedVolumes

      public List<Storage> getAssignedVolumes()
    • getCredential

      public Credential getCredential()
    • setCredential

      public void setCredential​(Credential credential)
    • getSourceSubnet

      public String getSourceSubnet()
    • setSourceSubnet

      public void setSourceSubnet​(String sourceSubnet)
    • getSubnetsInAcl

      public List<Subnet> getSubnetsInAcl()
    • getAccountId

      public Long getAccountId()
    • setAccountId

      public void setAccountId​(Long accountId)
    • isAccountIdSpecified

      public boolean isAccountIdSpecified()
    • unsetAccountId

      public void unsetAccountId()
    • getCredentialId

      public Long getCredentialId()
    • setCredentialId

      public void setCredentialId​(Long credentialId)
    • isCredentialIdSpecified

      public boolean isCredentialIdSpecified()
    • unsetCredentialId

      public void unsetCredentialId()
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName​(String name)
    • isNameSpecified

      public boolean isNameSpecified()
    • unsetName

      public void unsetName()
    • getResourceTableId

      public Long getResourceTableId()
    • setResourceTableId

      public void setResourceTableId​(Long resourceTableId)
    • isResourceTableIdSpecified

      public boolean isResourceTableIdSpecified()
    • unsetResourceTableId

      public void unsetResourceTableId()
    • getResourceTableName

      public String getResourceTableName()
    • setResourceTableName

      public void setResourceTableName​(String resourceTableName)
    • isResourceTableNameSpecified

      public boolean isResourceTableNameSpecified()
    • unsetResourceTableName

      public void unsetResourceTableName()
    • getAssignedGroupCount

      public Long getAssignedGroupCount()
    • setAssignedGroupCount

      public void setAssignedGroupCount​(Long assignedGroupCount)
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumeCount

      public Long getAssignedIscsiVolumeCount()
    • setAssignedIscsiVolumeCount

      public void setAssignedIscsiVolumeCount​(Long assignedIscsiVolumeCount)
    • getAssignedNfsVolumeCount

      public Long getAssignedNfsVolumeCount()
    • setAssignedNfsVolumeCount

      public void setAssignedNfsVolumeCount​(Long assignedNfsVolumeCount)
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumeCount

      public Long getAssignedReplicationVolumeCount()
    • setAssignedReplicationVolumeCount

      public void setAssignedReplicationVolumeCount​(Long assignedReplicationVolumeCount)
    • getAssignedVolumeCount

      public Long getAssignedVolumeCount()
    • setAssignedVolumeCount

      public void setAssignedVolumeCount​(Long assignedVolumeCount)
    • getSubnetsInAclCount

      public Long getSubnetsInAclCount()
    • setSubnetsInAclCount

      public void setSubnetsInAclCount​(Long subnetsInAclCount)
    • asService

      public Host.Service asService​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Host.Service service​(ApiClient client)
    • service

      public static Host.Service service​(ApiClient client, Long id)