Class Item

public class Item
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Product_Item data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • activePresaleEvents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Event> activePresaleEvents
    • activeUsagePrices

      @ApiProperty protected List<Price> activeUsagePrices
      Active usage based prices.
    • attributes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Attribute> attributes
      The attribute values for a product item. These are additional properties that give extra information about the product being sold.
    • availabilityAttributes

      @ApiProperty protected List<Attribute> availabilityAttributes
      Attributes that govern when an item may no longer be available.
    • billingType

      @ApiProperty protected String billingType
      An item's special billing type, if applicable.
    • bundle

      @ApiProperty protected List<Bundles> bundle
      An item's included product item references. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles objects. See the SoftLayer_Product_Item::bundleItems property for bundle of SoftLayer_Product_Item of objects.
    • bundleItems

      @ApiProperty protected List<Item> bundleItems
      An item's included products. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item objects.
    • capacityMaximum

      @ApiProperty protected String capacityMaximum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the ceiling of the range.
    • capacityMinimum

      @ApiProperty protected String capacityMinimum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the floor of the range.
    • capacityRestrictedProductFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean capacityRestrictedProductFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by a capacity on a related product.
    • categories

      @ApiProperty protected List<Category> categories
      An item's associated item categories.
    • configurationTemplates

      @ApiProperty protected List<Template> configurationTemplates
      Some product items have configuration templates which can be used to during provisioning of that product.
    • conflicts

      @ApiProperty protected List<Conflict> conflicts
      An item's conflicts. For example, McAfee LinuxShield cannot be ordered with Windows. It was not meant for that operating system and as such is a conflict.
    • coreRestrictedItemFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean coreRestrictedItemFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by the number of cores on the compute instance. This is deprecated. Use [[SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag|getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag]]
    • downgradeItem

      @ApiProperty protected Item downgradeItem
      Some product items have a downgrade path. This is the first product item in the downgrade path.
    • downgradeItems

      @ApiProperty protected List<Item> downgradeItems
      Some product items have a downgrade path. These are those product items.
    • globalCategoryConflicts

      @ApiProperty protected List<Conflict> globalCategoryConflicts
      An item's category conflicts. For example, 10 Gbps redundant network functionality cannot be ordered with a secondary GPU and as such is a conflict.
    • hardwareGenericComponentModel

      @ApiProperty protected Generic hardwareGenericComponentModel
      The generic hardware component that this item represents.
    • hideFromPortalFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean hideFromPortalFlag
    • ineligibleForAccountDiscountFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean ineligibleForAccountDiscountFlag
    • inventory

      @ApiProperty protected List<Inventory> inventory
      DEPRECATED. An item's inventory status per datacenter.
    • isEngineeredServerProduct

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean isEngineeredServerProduct
      Flag to indicate the server product is engineered for a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • itemCategory

      @ApiProperty protected Category itemCategory
      An item's primary item category.
    • localDiskFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean localDiskFlag
    • locationConflicts

      @ApiProperty protected List<Conflict> locationConflicts
      An item's location conflicts. For example, Dual Path network functionality cannot be ordered in WDC and as such is a conflict.
    • minimumNvmeBays

      @ApiProperty protected Long minimumNvmeBays
      The minimum number of bays that support NVMe SSDs.
    • nvmeDiskFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean nvmeDiskFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a NVMe SSD.
    • objectStorageClusterGeolocationType

      @ApiProperty protected String objectStorageClusterGeolocationType
    • objectStorageItemFlag

      @ApiProperty protected Boolean objectStorageItemFlag
    • objectStorageServiceClass

      @ApiProperty protected String objectStorageServiceClass
    • packages

      @ApiProperty protected List<Package> packages
      A collection of all the SoftLayer_Product_Package(s) in which this item exists.
    • physicalCoreCapacity

      @ApiProperty protected String physicalCoreCapacity
      The number of cores that a processor has.
    • presaleEvents

      @ApiProperty protected List<Event> presaleEvents
    • prices

      @ApiProperty protected List<Price> prices
      A product item's prices.
    • requirements

      @ApiProperty protected List<Requirement> requirements
      If an item must be ordered with another item, it will have a requirement item here.
    • rules

      @ApiProperty protected List<Rule> rules
      An item's rules. This includes the requirements and conflicts to resources that an item has.
    • softwareDescription

      @ApiProperty protected Description softwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description tied to this item. This will only be populated for software items.
    • taxCategory

      @ApiProperty protected Category taxCategory
      An item's tax category, if applicable.
    • thirdPartyPolicyAssignments

      @ApiProperty protected List<Assignment> thirdPartyPolicyAssignments
      Third-party policy assignments for this product.
    • thirdPartySupportVendor

      @ApiProperty protected String thirdPartySupportVendor
      The 3rd party vendor for a support subscription item. (Deprecated)
    • totalPhysicalCoreCapacity

      @ApiProperty protected Long totalPhysicalCoreCapacity
      The total number of physical processing cores (excluding virtual cores / hyperthreads) for this server.
    • totalPhysicalCoreCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long totalPhysicalCoreCount
      Shows the total number of cores. This is deprecated. Use [[SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacity|getCapacity]] for guest_core products and [[SoftLayer_Product_Item/getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity|getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity]] for server products
    • totalProcessorCapacity

      @ApiProperty protected Long totalProcessorCapacity
      The total number of processors for this server.
    • upgradeItem

      @ApiProperty protected Item upgradeItem
      Some product items have an upgrade path. This is the next product item in the upgrade path.
    • upgradeItems

      @ApiProperty protected List<Item> upgradeItems
      Some product items have an upgrade path. These are those upgrade product items.
    • capacity

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected BigDecimal capacity
      Some Product Items have capacity information such as RAM and bandwidth, and others. This provides the numerical representation of the capacity given in the description of this product item.
    • capacitySpecified

      protected boolean capacitySpecified
    • description

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String description
      A product's description
    • descriptionSpecified

      protected boolean descriptionSpecified
    • hardwareGenericComponentId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long hardwareGenericComponentId
      The hardware generic component model ID of the product.
    • hardwareGenericComponentIdSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareGenericComponentIdSpecified
    • id

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long id
      A product's internal identification number
    • idSpecified

      protected boolean idSpecified
    • itemTaxCategoryId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long itemTaxCategoryId
      A products tax category internal identification number
    • itemTaxCategoryIdSpecified

      protected boolean itemTaxCategoryIdSpecified
    • keyName

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String keyName
      A unique key name for the product.
    • keyNameSpecified

      protected boolean keyNameSpecified
    • longDescription

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String longDescription
      Detailed product description
    • longDescriptionSpecified

      protected boolean longDescriptionSpecified
    • softwareDescriptionId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long softwareDescriptionId
      The unique identifier of the SoftLayer_Software_Description tied to this item.
    • softwareDescriptionIdSpecified

      protected boolean softwareDescriptionIdSpecified
    • units

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String units
      The unit of measurement that a product item is measured in.
    • unitsSpecified

      protected boolean unitsSpecified
    • upgradeItemId

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long upgradeItemId
      A products upgrade item's internal identification number
    • upgradeItemIdSpecified

      protected boolean upgradeItemIdSpecified
    • activePresaleEventCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long activePresaleEventCount
      A count of
    • activeUsagePriceCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long activeUsagePriceCount
      A count of active usage based prices.
    • attributeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long attributeCount
      A count of the attribute values for a product item. These are additional properties that give extra information about the product being sold.
    • availabilityAttributeCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long availabilityAttributeCount
      A count of attributes that govern when an item may no longer be available.
    • bundleCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long bundleCount
      A count of an item's included product item references. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles objects. See the SoftLayer_Product_Item::bundleItems property for bundle of SoftLayer_Product_Item of objects.
    • bundleItemCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long bundleItemCount
      A count of an item's included products. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item objects.
    • categoryCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long categoryCount
      A count of an item's associated item categories.
    • configurationTemplateCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long configurationTemplateCount
      A count of some product items have configuration templates which can be used to during provisioning of that product.
    • downgradeItemCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long downgradeItemCount
      A count of some product items have a downgrade path. These are those product items.
    • inventoryCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long inventoryCount
      A count of dEPRECATED. An item's inventory status per datacenter.
    • packageCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long packageCount
      A count of a collection of all the SoftLayer_Product_Package(s) in which this item exists.
    • presaleEventCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long presaleEventCount
      A count of
    • priceCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long priceCount
      A count of a product item's prices.
    • ruleCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long ruleCount
      A count of an item's rules. This includes the requirements and conflicts to resources that an item has.
    • thirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long thirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount
      A count of third-party policy assignments for this product.
    • upgradeItemCount

      @ApiProperty protected Long upgradeItemCount
      A count of some product items have an upgrade path. These are those upgrade product items.
  • Constructor Details

    • Item

      public Item()
  • Method Details

    • getActivePresaleEvents

      public List<Event> getActivePresaleEvents()
    • getActiveUsagePrices

      public List<Price> getActiveUsagePrices()
    • getAttributes

      public List<Attribute> getAttributes()
    • getAvailabilityAttributes

      public List<Attribute> getAvailabilityAttributes()
    • getBillingType

      public String getBillingType()
    • setBillingType

      public void setBillingType​(String billingType)
    • getBundle

      public List<Bundles> getBundle()
    • getBundleItems

      public List<Item> getBundleItems()
    • getCapacityMaximum

      public String getCapacityMaximum()
    • setCapacityMaximum

      public void setCapacityMaximum​(String capacityMaximum)
    • getCapacityMinimum

      public String getCapacityMinimum()
    • setCapacityMinimum

      public void setCapacityMinimum​(String capacityMinimum)
    • getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag

      public Boolean getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag()
    • setCapacityRestrictedProductFlag

      public void setCapacityRestrictedProductFlag​(Boolean capacityRestrictedProductFlag)
    • getCategories

      public List<Category> getCategories()
    • getConfigurationTemplates

      public List<Template> getConfigurationTemplates()
    • getConflicts

      public List<Conflict> getConflicts()
    • getCoreRestrictedItemFlag

      public Boolean getCoreRestrictedItemFlag()
    • setCoreRestrictedItemFlag

      public void setCoreRestrictedItemFlag​(Boolean coreRestrictedItemFlag)
    • getDowngradeItem

      public Item getDowngradeItem()
    • setDowngradeItem

      public void setDowngradeItem​(Item downgradeItem)
    • getDowngradeItems

      public List<Item> getDowngradeItems()
    • getGlobalCategoryConflicts

      public List<Conflict> getGlobalCategoryConflicts()
    • getHardwareGenericComponentModel

      public Generic getHardwareGenericComponentModel()
    • setHardwareGenericComponentModel

      public void setHardwareGenericComponentModel​(Generic hardwareGenericComponentModel)
    • getHideFromPortalFlag

      public Boolean getHideFromPortalFlag()
    • setHideFromPortalFlag

      public void setHideFromPortalFlag​(Boolean hideFromPortalFlag)
    • getIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag

      public Boolean getIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag()
    • setIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag

      public void setIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag​(Boolean ineligibleForAccountDiscountFlag)
    • getInventory

      public List<Inventory> getInventory()
    • getIsEngineeredServerProduct

      public Boolean getIsEngineeredServerProduct()
    • setIsEngineeredServerProduct

      public void setIsEngineeredServerProduct​(Boolean isEngineeredServerProduct)
    • getItemCategory

      public Category getItemCategory()
    • setItemCategory

      public void setItemCategory​(Category itemCategory)
    • getLocalDiskFlag

      public Boolean getLocalDiskFlag()
    • setLocalDiskFlag

      public void setLocalDiskFlag​(Boolean localDiskFlag)
    • getLocationConflicts

      public List<Conflict> getLocationConflicts()
    • getMinimumNvmeBays

      public Long getMinimumNvmeBays()
    • setMinimumNvmeBays

      public void setMinimumNvmeBays​(Long minimumNvmeBays)
    • getNvmeDiskFlag

      public Boolean getNvmeDiskFlag()
    • setNvmeDiskFlag

      public void setNvmeDiskFlag​(Boolean nvmeDiskFlag)
    • getObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType

      public String getObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType()
    • setObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType

      public void setObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType​(String objectStorageClusterGeolocationType)
    • getObjectStorageItemFlag

      public Boolean getObjectStorageItemFlag()
    • setObjectStorageItemFlag

      public void setObjectStorageItemFlag​(Boolean objectStorageItemFlag)
    • getObjectStorageServiceClass

      public String getObjectStorageServiceClass()
    • setObjectStorageServiceClass

      public void setObjectStorageServiceClass​(String objectStorageServiceClass)
    • getPackages

      public List<Package> getPackages()
    • getPhysicalCoreCapacity

      public String getPhysicalCoreCapacity()
    • setPhysicalCoreCapacity

      public void setPhysicalCoreCapacity​(String physicalCoreCapacity)
    • getPresaleEvents

      public List<Event> getPresaleEvents()
    • getPrices

      public List<Price> getPrices()
    • getRequirements

      public List<Requirement> getRequirements()
    • getRules

      public List<Rule> getRules()
    • getSoftwareDescription

      public Description getSoftwareDescription()
    • setSoftwareDescription

      public void setSoftwareDescription​(Description softwareDescription)
    • getTaxCategory

      public Category getTaxCategory()
    • setTaxCategory

      public void setTaxCategory​(Category taxCategory)
    • getThirdPartyPolicyAssignments

      public List<Assignment> getThirdPartyPolicyAssignments()
    • getThirdPartySupportVendor

      public String getThirdPartySupportVendor()
    • setThirdPartySupportVendor

      public void setThirdPartySupportVendor​(String thirdPartySupportVendor)
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity

      public Long getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity()
    • setTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity

      public void setTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity​(Long totalPhysicalCoreCapacity)
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCount

      public Long getTotalPhysicalCoreCount()
    • setTotalPhysicalCoreCount

      public void setTotalPhysicalCoreCount​(Long totalPhysicalCoreCount)
    • getTotalProcessorCapacity

      public Long getTotalProcessorCapacity()
    • setTotalProcessorCapacity

      public void setTotalProcessorCapacity​(Long totalProcessorCapacity)
    • getUpgradeItem

      public Item getUpgradeItem()
    • setUpgradeItem

      public void setUpgradeItem​(Item upgradeItem)
    • getUpgradeItems

      public List<Item> getUpgradeItems()
    • getCapacity

      public BigDecimal getCapacity()
    • setCapacity

      public void setCapacity​(BigDecimal capacity)
    • isCapacitySpecified

      public boolean isCapacitySpecified()
    • unsetCapacity

      public void unsetCapacity()
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription​(String description)
    • isDescriptionSpecified

      public boolean isDescriptionSpecified()
    • unsetDescription

      public void unsetDescription()
    • getHardwareGenericComponentId

      public Long getHardwareGenericComponentId()
    • setHardwareGenericComponentId

      public void setHardwareGenericComponentId​(Long hardwareGenericComponentId)
    • isHardwareGenericComponentIdSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareGenericComponentIdSpecified()
    • unsetHardwareGenericComponentId

      public void unsetHardwareGenericComponentId()
    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId​(Long id)
    • isIdSpecified

      public boolean isIdSpecified()
    • unsetId

      public void unsetId()
    • getItemTaxCategoryId

      public Long getItemTaxCategoryId()
    • setItemTaxCategoryId

      public void setItemTaxCategoryId​(Long itemTaxCategoryId)
    • isItemTaxCategoryIdSpecified

      public boolean isItemTaxCategoryIdSpecified()
    • unsetItemTaxCategoryId

      public void unsetItemTaxCategoryId()
    • getKeyName

      public String getKeyName()
    • setKeyName

      public void setKeyName​(String keyName)
    • isKeyNameSpecified

      public boolean isKeyNameSpecified()
    • unsetKeyName

      public void unsetKeyName()
    • getLongDescription

      public String getLongDescription()
    • setLongDescription

      public void setLongDescription​(String longDescription)
    • isLongDescriptionSpecified

      public boolean isLongDescriptionSpecified()
    • unsetLongDescription

      public void unsetLongDescription()
    • getSoftwareDescriptionId

      public Long getSoftwareDescriptionId()
    • setSoftwareDescriptionId

      public void setSoftwareDescriptionId​(Long softwareDescriptionId)
    • isSoftwareDescriptionIdSpecified

      public boolean isSoftwareDescriptionIdSpecified()
    • unsetSoftwareDescriptionId

      public void unsetSoftwareDescriptionId()
    • getUnits

      public String getUnits()
    • setUnits

      public void setUnits​(String units)
    • isUnitsSpecified

      public boolean isUnitsSpecified()
    • unsetUnits

      public void unsetUnits()
    • getUpgradeItemId

      public Long getUpgradeItemId()
    • setUpgradeItemId

      public void setUpgradeItemId​(Long upgradeItemId)
    • isUpgradeItemIdSpecified

      public boolean isUpgradeItemIdSpecified()
    • unsetUpgradeItemId

      public void unsetUpgradeItemId()
    • getActivePresaleEventCount

      public Long getActivePresaleEventCount()
    • setActivePresaleEventCount

      public void setActivePresaleEventCount​(Long activePresaleEventCount)
    • getActiveUsagePriceCount

      public Long getActiveUsagePriceCount()
    • setActiveUsagePriceCount

      public void setActiveUsagePriceCount​(Long activeUsagePriceCount)
    • getAttributeCount

      public Long getAttributeCount()
    • setAttributeCount

      public void setAttributeCount​(Long attributeCount)
    • getAvailabilityAttributeCount

      public Long getAvailabilityAttributeCount()
    • setAvailabilityAttributeCount

      public void setAvailabilityAttributeCount​(Long availabilityAttributeCount)
    • getBundleCount

      public Long getBundleCount()
    • setBundleCount

      public void setBundleCount​(Long bundleCount)
    • getBundleItemCount

      public Long getBundleItemCount()
    • setBundleItemCount

      public void setBundleItemCount​(Long bundleItemCount)
    • getCategoryCount

      public Long getCategoryCount()
    • setCategoryCount

      public void setCategoryCount​(Long categoryCount)
    • getConfigurationTemplateCount

      public Long getConfigurationTemplateCount()
    • setConfigurationTemplateCount

      public void setConfigurationTemplateCount​(Long configurationTemplateCount)
    • getDowngradeItemCount

      public Long getDowngradeItemCount()
    • setDowngradeItemCount

      public void setDowngradeItemCount​(Long downgradeItemCount)
    • getInventoryCount

      public Long getInventoryCount()
    • setInventoryCount

      public void setInventoryCount​(Long inventoryCount)
    • getPackageCount

      public Long getPackageCount()
    • setPackageCount

      public void setPackageCount​(Long packageCount)
    • getPresaleEventCount

      public Long getPresaleEventCount()
    • setPresaleEventCount

      public void setPresaleEventCount​(Long presaleEventCount)
    • getPriceCount

      public Long getPriceCount()
    • setPriceCount

      public void setPriceCount​(Long priceCount)
    • getRuleCount

      public Long getRuleCount()
    • setRuleCount

      public void setRuleCount​(Long ruleCount)
    • getThirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount

      public Long getThirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount()
    • setThirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount

      public void setThirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount​(Long thirdPartyPolicyAssignmentCount)
    • getUpgradeItemCount

      public Long getUpgradeItemCount()
    • setUpgradeItemCount

      public void setUpgradeItemCount​(Long upgradeItemCount)