
object FutureSquash
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class FutureEither[A](futureEitherStack: Future[Either[Throwable, A]])
class FutureOption[A](futureOptionStack: Future[Option[A]])
class FutureTry[A](futureTryStack: Future[Try[A]])

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromEither[A](either: Either[Throwable, A]): Future[A]

Converts an Either[Throwable, A] to a Future[A] that may raise a Throwable

Converts an Either[Throwable, A] to a Future[A] that may raise a Throwable

def fromOption[A](option: Option[A]): Future[A]

Converts an Option[A] to a Future[A] that may raise a NoSuchElementException

Converts an Option[A] to a Future[A] that may raise a NoSuchElementException