
object Response
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T](body: T, code: StatusCode): Response[T]

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

def apply[T](body: T, code: StatusCode, statusText: String): Response[T]

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

def apply[T](body: T, code: StatusCode, statusText: String, headers: Seq[Header]): Response[T]

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

def ok[T](body: T): Response[T]

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

Convenience method to create a Response instance, mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub and partial matchers.

Concrete fields

val ExampleGet: RequestMetadata

Mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub, when creating stub responses.

Mainly useful in tests using sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub, when creating stub responses.