


package client3

Linear Supertypes
SttpApi, UriInterpolator, SttpExtensions, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. client3
  2. SttpApi
  3. UriInterpolator
  4. SttpExtensions
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package dom
  2. package internal
  3. package listener
  4. package logging
  5. package monad
  6. package testing
  7. package ws

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractFetchBackend[F[_], S <: Streams[S], P] extends SttpBackend[F, P]

    A backend that uses the fetch JavaScript api.

    A backend that uses the fetch JavaScript api.

    See also


  2. sealed trait BasicRequestBody extends RequestBody[Any]
  3. type BodySerializer[B] = (B) => BasicRequestBody

    Provide an implicit value of this type to serialize arbitrary classes into a request body.

    Provide an implicit value of this type to serialize arbitrary classes into a request body. Backends might also provide special logic for serializer instances which they define (e.g. to handle streaming).

  4. case class ByteArrayBody(b: Array[Byte], defaultContentType: MediaType = MediaType.ApplicationOctetStream) extends BasicRequestBody with Product with Serializable
  5. case class ByteBufferBody(b: ByteBuffer, defaultContentType: MediaType = MediaType.ApplicationOctetStream) extends BasicRequestBody with Product with Serializable
  6. case class ConditionalResponseAs[+T, R](condition: (ResponseMetadata) => Boolean, responseAs: ResponseAs[T, R]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class DeserializationException[DE](body: String, error: DE)(implicit evidence$5: ShowError[DE]) extends ResponseException[Nothing, DE] with Product with Serializable
  8. class DigestAuthenticationBackend[F[_], P] extends SttpBackend[F, P]
  9. class EitherBackend[P] extends SttpBackend[[β$0$]Either[Throwable, β$0$], P]

    A synchronous backend that safely wraps SttpBackend exceptions in Either[Throwable, *]'s

    A synchronous backend that safely wraps SttpBackend exceptions in Either[Throwable, *]'s



  10. type Empty[X] = None.type
  11. class FetchBackend extends AbstractFetchBackend[Future, Nothing, Any]
  12. final case class FetchOptions(credentials: Option[RequestCredentials], mode: Option[RequestMode]) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class FileBody(f: SttpFile, defaultContentType: MediaType = MediaType.ApplicationOctetStream) extends BasicRequestBody with Product with Serializable
  14. class FollowRedirectsBackend[F[_], P] extends SttpBackend[F, P]
  15. case class HttpError[HE](body: HE, statusCode: StatusCode) extends ResponseException[HE, Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  16. type Identity[X] = X
  17. case class InputStreamBody(b: InputStream, defaultContentType: MediaType = MediaType.ApplicationOctetStream) extends BasicRequestBody with Product with Serializable
  18. case class MappedResponseAs[T, T2, R](raw: ResponseAs[T, R], g: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2, showAs: Option[String]) extends ResponseAs[T2, R] with Product with Serializable
  19. case class MultipartBody[R](parts: Seq[Part[RequestBody[R]]]) extends RequestBody[R] with Product with Serializable
  20. type PartialRequest[T, -R] = RequestT[Empty, T, R]

    A RequestT without the method & uri specified (which cannot yet be sent).

  21. type Request[T, -R] = RequestT[Identity, T, R]

    A RequestT with the method & uri specified.

    A RequestT with the method & uri specified. Such a request can be sent.

  22. sealed trait RequestBody[-R] extends AnyRef
  23. trait RequestMetadata extends HasHeaders
  24. case class RequestOptions(followRedirects: Boolean, readTimeout: Duration, maxRedirects: Int, redirectToGet: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  25. case class RequestT[U[_], T, -R](method: U[Method], uri: U[Uri], body: RequestBody[R], headers: Seq[Header], response: ResponseAs[T, R], options: RequestOptions, tags: Map[String, Any]) extends HasHeaders with RequestTExtensions[U, T, R] with Product with Serializable

    Describes a HTTP request, along with a description of how the response body should be handled.

    Describes a HTTP request, along with a description of how the response body should be handled.

    The request can be sent using a SttpBackend, which provides a superset of the required capabilities.


    Specifies if the method & uri are specified. By default can be either: * Empty, which is a type constructor which always resolves to None. This type of request is aliased to PartialRequest: there's no method and uri specified, and the request cannot be sent. * Identity, which is an identity type constructor. This type of request is aliased to Request: the method and uri are specified, and the request can be sent.


    The target type, to which the response body should be read.


    The backend capabilities required by the request or response description. This might be Any (no requirements), Effect (the backend must support the given effect type), Streams (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or sttp.capabilities.WebSockets (the ability to handle websocket requests).


    Description of how the response body should be handled. Needs to be specified upfront so that the response is always consumed and hence there are no requirements on client code to consume it. An exception to this are unsafe streaming and websocket responses, which need to be consumed/closed by the client.


    Request-specific tags which can be used by backends for logging, metrics, etc. Not used by default.

  26. trait RequestTExtensions[U[_], T, -R] extends AnyRef
  27. case class Response[T](body: T, code: StatusCode, statusText: String, headers: Seq[Header], history: List[Response[Unit]], request: RequestMetadata) extends ResponseMetadata with Product with Serializable


    If redirects are followed, and there were redirects, contains responses for the intermediate requests. The first response (oldest) comes first.

  28. sealed trait ResponseAs[+T, -R] extends AnyRef

    Describes how response body should be handled.

    Describes how response body should be handled.

    Apart from the basic cases (ignoring, reading as a byte array or file), response body descriptions can be mapped over, to support custom types. The mapping can take into account the ResponseMetadata, that is the headers and status code. Responses can also be handled depending on the response metadata. Finally, two response body descriptions can be combined (with some restrictions).

    A number of as[Type] helper methods are available as part of SttpApi and when importing sttp.client3._.


    Target type as which the response will be read.


    The backend capabilities required by the response description. This might be Any (no requirements), Effect (the backend must support the given effect type), Streams (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or WebSockets (the ability to handle websocket requests).

  29. case class ResponseAsBoth[A, B, R](l: ResponseAs[A, R], r: ResponseAs[B, Any]) extends ResponseAs[(A, Option[B]), R] with Product with Serializable
  30. case class ResponseAsFile(output: SttpFile) extends ResponseAs[SttpFile, Any] with Product with Serializable
  31. case class ResponseAsFromMetadata[T, R](conditions: List[ConditionalResponseAs[T, R]], default: ResponseAs[T, R]) extends ResponseAs[T, R] with Product with Serializable
  32. case class ResponseAsStream[F[_], T, Stream, S] extends ResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with S] with Product with Serializable
  33. case class ResponseAsStreamUnsafe[BinaryStream, S] extends ResponseAs[BinaryStream, S] with Product with Serializable
  34. case class ResponseAsWebSocket[F[_], T](f: (WebSocket[F]) => F[T]) extends WebSocketResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with WebSockets] with Product with Serializable
  35. case class ResponseAsWebSocketStream[S, Pipe[_, _]](s: Streams[S], p: Pipe[Data[_], WebSocketFrame]) extends WebSocketResponseAs[Unit, S with WebSockets] with Product with Serializable
  36. case class ResponseAsWebSocketUnsafe[F[_]]() extends WebSocketResponseAs[WebSocket[F], Effect[F] with WebSockets] with Product with Serializable
  37. sealed abstract class ResponseException[+HE, +DE] extends Exception
  38. trait ResponseMetadata extends HasHeaders
  39. type RetryWhen = (Request[_, _], Either[Throwable, Response[_]]) => Boolean
  40. trait ShowError[-T] extends AnyRef
  41. class SpecifyAuthScheme[U[_], T, -R] extends AnyRef
  42. case class StreamBody[BinaryStream, S] extends RequestBody[S] with Product with Serializable
  43. case class StringBody(s: String, encoding: String, defaultContentType: MediaType = MediaType.TextPlain) extends BasicRequestBody with Product with Serializable
  44. trait SttpApi extends SttpExtensions with UriInterpolator
  45. trait SttpBackend[F[_], +P] extends AnyRef

    A backend is used to send HTTP requests described by RequestT.

    A backend is used to send HTTP requests described by RequestT. Backends might wrap Java or Scala HTTP clients, or other backends.


    The effect type used when returning responses. E.g. Identity for synchronous backends, scala.concurrent.Future for asynchronous backends.


    Capabilities supported by this backend, in addition to Effect. This might be Any (no special capabilities), Streams (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or WebSockets (the ability to handle websocket requests).


    Backends should try to classify exceptions into one of the categories specified by SttpClientException. Other exceptions should be thrown unchanged.

  46. case class SttpBackendOptions(connectionTimeout: FiniteDuration, proxy: Option[Proxy]) extends Product with Serializable
  47. abstract class SttpClientException extends Exception

    Known exceptions that might occur when using a backend.

    Known exceptions that might occur when using a backend. Currently this covers: - connect exceptions: when a connection (tcp socket) can't be established to the target host - read exceptions: when a connection has been established, but there's any kind of problem receiving or handling the response (e.g. a broken socket or a deserialization error)

    In general, it's safe to assume that the request hasn't been sent in case of connect exceptions. With read exceptions, the target host might or might have not received and processed the request.

    The SttpBackend.send methods might also throw other exceptions, due to programming errors, bugs in the underlying implementations, bugs in sttp or an uncovered exception.

  48. trait SttpExtensions extends AnyRef
  49. trait ToCurlConverterTestExtension extends AnyRef
  50. case class TooManyRedirectsException(uri: Uri, redirects: Int) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  51. class TryBackend[P] extends SttpBackend[Try, P]

    A synchronous backend that safely wraps SttpBackend exceptions in Try's

    A synchronous backend that safely wraps SttpBackend exceptions in Try's



  52. implicit class UriContext extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  53. sealed trait WebSocketResponseAs[T, -R] extends ResponseAs[T, R]

Deprecated Type Members

  1. type DeserializationError[DE] = DeserializationException[DE]

    (Since version 3.0.0) use DeserializationException

  2. type ResponseError[+HE, +DE] = ResponseException[HE, DE]

    (Since version 3.0.0) use ResponseException

Value Members

  1. val DefaultReadTimeout: Duration
    Definition Classes
  2. def asBoth[A, B](l: ResponseAs[A, Any], r: ResponseAs[B, Any]): ResponseAs[(A, B), Any]

    Use both l and r to read the response body.

    Use both l and r to read the response body. Neither response specifications may use streaming or web sockets.

    Definition Classes
  3. def asBothOption[A, B, R](l: ResponseAs[A, R], r: ResponseAs[B, Any]): ResponseAs[(A, Option[B]), R]

    Use l to read the response body.

    Use l to read the response body. If the raw body value which is used by l is replayable (a file or byte array), also use r to read the response body. Otherwise ignore r (if the raw body is a stream or a web socket).

    Definition Classes
  4. def asByteArray: ResponseAs[Either[String, Array[Byte]], Any]
    Definition Classes
  5. def asByteArrayAlways: ResponseAs[Array[Byte], Any]
    Definition Classes
  6. def asEither[A, B, R](onError: ResponseAs[A, R], onSuccess: ResponseAs[B, R]): ResponseAs[Either[A, B], R]

    Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.

    Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  7. def asFile(file: File): ResponseAs[Either[String, File], Any]
    Definition Classes
  8. def asFileAlways(file: File): ResponseAs[File, Any]
    Definition Classes
  9. def asParams(charset: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]], Any]

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  10. def asParams: ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]], Any]

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  11. def asParamsAlways(charset: String): ResponseAs[Seq[(String, String)], Any]

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  12. def asParamsAlways: ResponseAs[Seq[(String, String)], Any]

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  13. def asStream[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: (BinaryStream) => F[T]): ResponseAs[Either[String, T], Effect[F] with S]
    Definition Classes
  14. def asStreamAlways[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: (BinaryStream) => F[T]): ResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with S]
    Definition Classes
  15. def asStreamAlwaysUnsafe[S](s: Streams[S]): ResponseAs[BinaryStream, S]
    Definition Classes
  16. def asStreamUnsafe[S](s: Streams[S]): ResponseAs[Either[String, BinaryStream], S]
    Definition Classes
  17. def asString(charset: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, String], Any]

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  18. def asString: ResponseAs[Either[String, String], Any]

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  19. def asStringAlways(charset: String): ResponseAs[String, Any]
    Definition Classes
  20. def asStringAlways: ResponseAs[String, Any]

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

    Definition Classes
  21. def asWebSocket[F[_], T](f: (WebSocket[F]) => F[T]): ResponseAs[Either[String, T], Effect[F] with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  22. def asWebSocketAlways[F[_], T](f: (WebSocket[F]) => F[T]): ResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  23. def asWebSocketAlwaysUnsafe[F[_]]: ResponseAs[WebSocket[F], Effect[F] with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  24. def asWebSocketEither[A, B, R](onError: ResponseAs[A, R], onSuccess: ResponseAs[B, R]): ResponseAs[Either[A, B], R]

    Uses the onSuccess response specification for 101 responses (switching protocols), and the onError specification otherwise.

    Uses the onSuccess response specification for 101 responses (switching protocols), and the onError specification otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  25. def asWebSocketStream[S](s: Streams[S])(p: Pipe[Data[_], WebSocketFrame]): ResponseAs[Either[String, Unit], S with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  26. def asWebSocketStreamAlways[S](s: Streams[S])(p: Pipe[Data[_], WebSocketFrame]): ResponseAs[Unit, S with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  27. def asWebSocketUnsafe[F[_]]: ResponseAs[Either[String, WebSocket[F]], Effect[F] with WebSockets]
    Definition Classes
  28. val basicRequest: RequestT[Empty, Either[String, String], Any]

    A starting request, with the following modification comparing to emptyRequest: Accept-Encoding is set to gzip, deflate (compression/decompression is handled automatically by the library).

    A starting request, with the following modification comparing to emptyRequest: Accept-Encoding is set to gzip, deflate (compression/decompression is handled automatically by the library).

    Reads the response body as an Either[String, String], where Left is used if the status code is non-2xx, and Right otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  29. val emptyRequest: RequestT[Empty, Either[String, String], Any]

    An empty request with no headers.

    An empty request with no headers.

    Reads the response body as an Either[String, String], where Left is used if the status code is non-2xx, and Right otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  30. def fromMetadata[T, R](default: ResponseAs[T, R], conditions: ConditionalResponseAs[T, R]*): ResponseAs[T, R]
    Definition Classes
  31. def ignore: ResponseAs[Unit, Any]
    Definition Classes
  32. def multipart[B](name: String, b: B)(implicit arg0: BodySerializer[B]): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  33. def multipart(name: String, fs: Seq[(String, String)], encoding: String): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Encodes the given parameters as form data.

    Encodes the given parameters as form data.

    Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  34. def multipart(name: String, fs: Seq[(String, String)]): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

    Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

    Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  35. def multipart(name: String, fs: Map[String, String], encoding: String): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Encodes the given parameters as form data.

    Encodes the given parameters as form data.

    Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  36. def multipart(name: String, fs: Map[String, String]): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

    Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

    Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  37. def multipart(name: String, data: InputStream): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  38. def multipart(name: String, data: ByteBuffer): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  39. def multipart(name: String, data: Array[Byte]): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  40. def multipart(name: String, data: String, encoding: String): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  41. def multipart(name: String, data: String): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  42. def multipartFile(name: String, file: File): Part[BasicRequestBody]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    File name will be set to the name of the file.

    Definition Classes
  43. def multipartStream[S](s: Streams[S])(name: String, b: BinaryStream): Part[RequestBody[S]]

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

    Definition Classes
  44. val quickRequest: RequestT[Empty, String, Any]

    A starting request which always reads the response body as a string, regardless of the status code.

    A starting request which always reads the response body as a string, regardless of the status code.

    Definition Classes
  45. object DigestAuthenticationBackend
  46. object FetchBackend
  47. object FetchOptions extends Serializable
  48. object FollowRedirectsBackend
  49. case object IgnoreResponse extends ResponseAs[Unit, Any] with Product with Serializable
  50. case object NoBody extends RequestBody[Any] with Product with Serializable
  51. object RequestBody
  52. object RequestMetadata
  53. object RequestT extends Serializable
  54. object Response extends Serializable
  55. object ResponseAs
  56. case object ResponseAsByteArray extends ResponseAs[Array[Byte], Any] with Product with Serializable
  57. object ResponseAsStream extends Serializable
  58. object ResponseAsStreamUnsafe extends Serializable
  59. object ResponseMetadata
  60. object RetryWhen
  61. object ShowError
  62. object StreamBody extends Serializable
  63. object SttpBackendOptions extends Serializable
  64. object SttpClientException extends Serializable
  65. object quick extends SttpApi

Inherited from SttpApi

Inherited from UriInterpolator

Inherited from SttpExtensions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
