
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def forceBodyAsByteArray: Array[Byte]

Force the request body into a string. If the body is a file, the file contents will be returned. If the body is an input stream, the stream will be consumed. If the body is a stream / multipart, an exception will be thrown.

Force the request body into a string. If the body is a file, the file contents will be returned. If the body is an input stream, the stream will be consumed. If the body is a stream / multipart, an exception will be thrown.

def forceBodyAsString: String

Force the request body into a string. If the body is a file, the file contents will be returned. If the body is an input stream, the stream will be consumed. If the body is a stream / multipart, an exception will be thrown.

Force the request body into a string. If the body is a file, the file contents will be returned. If the body is an input stream, the stream will be consumed. If the body is a stream / multipart, an exception will be thrown.