
Type members


class HttpClientZioBackend extends HttpClientAsyncBackend[Task, ZioStreams, ZioStreams & WebSockets, BinaryStream]
object SttpClient
object SttpClientStubbing extends SttpClientStubbingBase[Any, ZioStreams & WebSockets]
object stubbing


type SttpClient = Has[Service]

ZIO-environment service definition, which is an SttpBackend.

ZIO-environment service definition, which is an SttpBackend.

Value members

Concrete methods

def send[T](request: Request[T, ZioStreams & Effect[Task] & WebSockets]): RIO[SttpClient, Response[T]]

Sends the request. Only requests for which the method & URI are specified can be sent.

Sends the request. Only requests for which the method & URI are specified can be sent.


An effect resulting in a Response, containing the body, deserialized as specified by the request (see RequestT.response), if the request was successful (1xx, 2xx, 3xx response codes), or if there was a protocol-level failure (4xx, 5xx response codes). A failed effect, if an exception occurred when connecting to the target host, writing the request or reading the response. Known exceptions are converted to one of SttpClientException. Other exceptions are kept unchanged.

def sendR[T, R](request: Request[T, Effect[[_] =>> RIO[R, _$1]] & ZioStreams & WebSockets]): RIO[SttpClient & R, Response[T]]

A variant of send which allows the effects that are part of the response handling specification (when using websockets or resource-safe streaming) to use an R environment.

A variant of send which allows the effects that are part of the response handling specification (when using websockets or resource-safe streaming) to use an R environment.