
trait GenericBackend[F[_], +P]

A specific implementation of HTTP request sending logic.

The send method '''should not''' be used directly by client code, if possible. Instead, the Request.send, StreamRequest.send, WebSocketRequest.send or WebSocketStreamRequest.send methods (depending on the type of the request) should be used, providing a specific backend instance as a parameter.

When creating an instance of a backend, one of the Backend traits should be mixed in, reflecting the effect type and the P capabilities: Backend, SyncBackend, WebSocketBackend, WebSocketSyncBackend, StreamBackend, WebSocketStreamBackend. This is required in order to provide a better developer experience when sending requests: the resulting type has less type parameters.

Type parameters


The effect type used to represent side-effects, such as obtaining the response for a request. E.g. Identity for synchronous backends, scala.concurrent.Future for asynchronous backends.


Capabilities supported by this backend, in addition to Effect. This might be Any (no special capabilities), subtype of sttp.capabilities.Streams (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or WebSockets (the ability to handle websocket requests).



Backends should try to classify known HTTP-related exceptions into one of the categories specified by SttpClientException. Other exceptions are thrown unchanged.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def close(): F[Unit]

Close the backend, releasing any resources (such as thread or connection pools) that have been allocated when opening or using the backend.

Close the backend, releasing any resources (such as thread or connection pools) that have been allocated when opening or using the backend.


def monad: MonadError[F]

A monad instance for the F effect type. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/`flatMap`` over the return value of send.

A monad instance for the F effect type. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/`flatMap`` over the return value of send.


def send[T](request: GenericRequest[T, P & Effect[F]]): F[Response[T]]

Send the given request. Should only be used when implementing new backends, or backend wrappers. Client code should instead use the send methods on the request type, e.g. Request.send.

Send the given request. Should only be used when implementing new backends, or backend wrappers. Client code should instead use the send methods on the request type, e.g. Request.send.
