


package tapir

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. tapir
  2. Tapir
  3. TapirDerivedInputs
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package generic
  2. package internal
  3. package model
  4. package server
  5. package typelevel

Type Members

  1. type AnyCodec = Codec[_, _ <: CodecFormat, _]
  2. type AnyCodecForMany = CodecForMany[_, _ <: CodecFormat, _]
  3. type AnyCodecMeta = CodecMeta[_, _ <: CodecFormat, _]
  4. type AnyPart = Part[_]
  5. trait Codec[T, CF <: CodecFormat, R] extends Decode[T, R]

    A pair of functions: one to encode a value of type T to a raw value of type R formatted as CF, and another one to decode.

    A pair of functions: one to encode a value of type T to a raw value of type R formatted as CF, and another one to decode.

    Also contains meta-data on the schema of the value, the codec format and the raw value type.


    Type of the values which can be encoded / to which raw values can be decoded.


    The format of encoded values. Corresponds to a media type.


    Type of the raw value to which values are encoded.

    @implicitNotFound("""Cannot find a codec for type: ${T}, formatted as: ${CF}.
    Did you define a codec for: ${T}?
    Did you import the codecs for: ${CF}?
    Is there an implicit schema for: ${T}, and all of its components?
    (codecs are looked up as implicit values of type Codec[${T}, ${CF}, _];
    schemas are looked up as implicit values of type Schema[${T}])
  6. trait CodecForMany[T, CF <: CodecFormat, R] extends Decode[T, Seq[R]]

    A Codec which can encode to multiple (0..n) raw values / decode from multiple raw values.

    A Codec which can encode to multiple (0..n) raw values / decode from multiple raw values. An multiple raw value specifies that the raw values should be included in the output multiple times. Depending on the codec, decoding from a multiple value might yield DecodeResult.Missing or DecodeResult.Multiple.

    Should be used for inputs/outputs which can be mapped to a multiple values.

    The main difference comparing to Codec is the signature of the encode and rawDecode methods. For each Codec, a CodecForMany can be derived.

    @implicitNotFound("""Cannot find a codec for type: ${T}, formatted as: ${CF}.
    Did you define a codec for: ${T}?
    Did you import the codecs for: ${CF}?
    Is there an implicit schema for: ${T}, and all of its components?
    (codecs are looked up as implicit values of type Codec[${T}, ${CF}, _];
    schemas are looked up as implicit values of type Schema[${T}])
  7. trait CodecForOptional[T, CF <: CodecFormat, R] extends Decode[T, Option[R]]

    A Codec which can encode to optional raw values / decode from optional *raw* values.

    A Codec which can encode to optional raw values / decode from optional *raw* values. An optional raw value specifies if the raw value should be included in the output, or not. Depending on the codec, decoding from an optional value might yield DecodeResult.Missing.

    Should be used for inputs/outputs which can be mapped to an optional value.

    The main difference comparing to Codec is the signature of the encode and rawDecode methods. For each Codec, a CodecForOptional can be derived.

    @implicitNotFound("""Cannot find a codec for type: ${T}, formatted as: ${CF}.
    Did you define a codec for: ${T}?
    Did you import the codecs for: ${CF}?
    Is there an implicit schema for: ${T}, and all of its components?
    (codecs are looked up as implicit values of type Codec[${T}, ${CF}, _];
    schemas are looked up as implicit values of type Schema[${T}])
  8. trait CodecFormat extends AnyRef

    Specifies the format of the encoded values.

    Specifies the format of the encoded values. Each variant must be a proper type so that it can be used as a discriminator for different (implicit) instances of Codec values.

  9. case class CodecMeta[T, CF <: CodecFormat, R] extends Product with Serializable

    Contains meta-data for a Codec, between type T and a raw value R.

    Contains meta-data for a Codec, between type T and a raw value R.

    The meta-data consists of the schema for type T, validator and reified type of the raw value.

  10. trait Decode[T, F] extends AnyRef
  11. sealed trait DecodeFailure extends DecodeResult[Nothing]
  12. sealed trait DecodeResult[+T] extends AnyRef
  13. case class Endpoint[I, E, O, +S](input: EndpointInput[I], errorOutput: EndpointOutput[E], output: EndpointOutput[O], info: EndpointInfo) extends Product with Serializable


    Input parameter types.


    Error output parameter types.


    Output parameter types.


    The type of streams that are used by this endpoint's inputs/outputs. Nothing, if no streams are used.

  14. sealed trait EndpointIO[I] extends EndpointInput[I] with EndpointOutput[I]
  15. case class EndpointInfo(name: Option[String], summary: Option[String], description: Option[String], tags: Vector[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  16. sealed trait EndpointInput[I] extends AnyRef
  17. sealed trait EndpointOutput[I] extends AnyRef
  18. trait LowPrioritySchema extends AnyRef
  19. case class MultipartValueType(partCodecMetas: Map[String, AnyCodecMeta], defaultCodecMeta: Option[AnyCodecMeta]) extends RawValueType[Seq[RawPart]] with Product with Serializable
  20. type RawPart = Part[_]
  21. sealed trait RawValueType[R] extends AnyRef
  22. case class Schema[T](schemaType: SchemaType, isOptional: Boolean = false, description: Option[String] = None, format: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes the shape of the low-level, "raw" representation of type T.

    Describes the shape of the low-level, "raw" representation of type T.


    The name of the format of the low-level representation of T.

  23. sealed trait SchemaType extends AnyRef
  24. sealed trait StreamingEndpointIO[I, +S] extends AnyRef
  25. case class StringValueType(charset: Charset) extends RawValueType[String] with Product with Serializable
  26. trait Tapir extends TapirDerivedInputs
  27. trait TapirAliases extends AnyRef

    Mixin containing aliases for top-level types and modules in the tapir package.

  28. trait TapirDerivedInputs extends AnyRef
  29. case class ValidationError[T](validator: Primitive[T], invalidValue: T) extends Product with Serializable
  30. sealed trait Validator[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def auth: TapirAuth.type
    Definition Classes
  2. def binaryBody[T](implicit codec: CodecForOptional[T, OctetStream, _]): Body[T, OctetStream, _]
    Definition Classes
  3. def body[T, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit tm: CodecForOptional[T, CF, _]): Body[T, CF, _]
    Definition Classes
  4. def clientIp: EndpointInput[Option[String]]
    Definition Classes
  5. def cookie[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: PlainCodecForOptional[T]): Cookie[T]
    Definition Classes
  6. def cookies: Header[List[Cookie]]
    Definition Classes
  7. def emptyOutput: EndpointOutput[Unit]

    An empty output.

    An empty output. Useful if one of oneOf branches should be mapped to the status code only.

    Definition Classes
  8. val endpoint: Endpoint[Unit, Unit, Unit, Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  9. def extractFromRequest[T](f: (ServerRequest) => T): ExtractFromRequest[T]

    Extract a value from a server request.

    Extract a value from a server request. This input is only used by server interpreters, it is ignored by documentation interpreters and the provided value is discarded by client interpreters.

    Definition Classes
  10. def formBody[T](implicit codec: CodecForOptional[T, XWwwFormUrlencoded, _]): Body[T, XWwwFormUrlencoded, _]
    Definition Classes
  11. def header(name: String, value: String): FixedHeader
    Definition Classes
  12. def header[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: PlainCodecForMany[T]): Header[T]
    Definition Classes
  13. def headers: Headers
    Definition Classes
  14. val htmlBodyUtf8: Body[String, TextHtml, String]
    Definition Classes
  15. val infallibleEndpoint: Endpoint[Unit, Nothing, Unit, Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  16. def jsonBody[T](implicit codec: CodecForOptional[T, Json, _]): Body[T, Json, _]
    Definition Classes
  17. def multipartBody[T](implicit codec: CodecForOptional[T, MultipartFormData, _]): Body[T, MultipartFormData, _]
    Definition Classes
  18. def oneOf[I](firstCase: StatusMapping[_ <: I], otherCases: StatusMapping[_ <: I]*): OneOf[I]

    Maps status codes to outputs.

    Maps status codes to outputs. All outputs must have a common supertype (I). Typically, the supertype is a sealed trait, and the mappings are implementing cases classes.

    Note that exhaustiveness of the mappings is not checked (that all subtypes of I are covered).

    Definition Classes
  19. def path[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: PlainCodec[T]): PathCapture[T]
    Definition Classes
  20. def path[T](implicit arg0: PlainCodec[T]): PathCapture[T]
    Definition Classes
  21. def paths: PathsCapture
    Definition Classes
  22. def plainBody[T](implicit codec: CodecForOptional[T, TextPlain, _]): Body[T, TextPlain, _]
    Definition Classes
  23. def query[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: PlainCodecForMany[T]): Query[T]
    Definition Classes
  24. def queryParams: QueryParams
    Definition Classes
  25. def schemaFor[T](implicit arg0: Schema[T]): Schema[T]
    Definition Classes
  26. def setCookie(name: String): Header[CookieValueWithMeta]
    Definition Classes
  27. def setCookies: Header[List[CookieWithMeta]]
    Definition Classes
  28. def statusCode(statusCode: StatusCode): FixedStatusCode
    Definition Classes
  29. def statusCode: StatusCode
    Definition Classes
  30. def statusDefaultMapping[O](output: EndpointOutput[O])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[O]): StatusMapping[O]

    Create a fallback mapping to be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Create a fallback mapping to be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  31. def statusMapping[O](statusCode: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[O])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[O]): StatusMapping[O]

    Create a mapping to be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Create a mapping to be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  32. def streamBody[S](schema: Schema[_], mediaType: CodecFormat): Body[S, mediaType.type]


    Schema of the body. Note that any schema can be passed here, as usually we'll use a schema for a dfiferent type than S: e.g. the schema of the "deserialized" stream.

    Definition Classes
  33. def stringBody(charset: Charset): Body[String, TextPlain, String]
    Definition Classes
  34. def stringBody(charset: String): Body[String, TextPlain, String]
    Definition Classes
  35. def stringBody: Body[String, TextPlain, String]
    Definition Classes
  36. implicit def stringToPath(s: String): EndpointInput[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  37. object ByteArrayValueType extends RawValueType[Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable
  38. object ByteBufferValueType extends RawValueType[ByteBuffer] with Product with Serializable
  39. object Codec extends MultipartCodecDerivation with FormCodecDerivation
  40. object CodecForMany
  41. object CodecForOptional
  42. object CodecFormat
  43. object CodecMeta extends Serializable
  44. object DecodeResult
  45. object Defaults
  46. object EndpointIO
  47. object EndpointInput
  48. object EndpointOutput
  49. object FileValueType extends RawValueType[File] with Product with Serializable
  50. object InputStreamValueType extends RawValueType[InputStream] with Product with Serializable
  51. object RenderPathTemplate
  52. object Schema extends SchemaMagnoliaDerivation with LowPrioritySchema with Serializable
  53. object SchemaType
  54. object StreamingEndpointIO
  55. object TapirAuth
  56. object Validator extends ValidatorMagnoliaDerivation with ValidatorEnumMacro

Inherited from Tapir

Inherited from TapirDerivedInputs

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
