object Codec extends CodecExtensions with FormCodecMacros with LowPriorityCodec

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Codec
  2. LowPriorityCodec
  3. FormCodecMacros
  4. CodecExtensions
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type JsonCodec[T] = Codec[String, T, Json]
  2. type PlainCodec[T] = Codec[String, T, TextPlain]
  3. type XmlCodec[T] = Codec[String, T, Xml]

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def anyStringCodec[T, CF <: CodecFormat](cf: CF)(_rawDecode: (String) => DecodeResult[T])(_encode: (T) => String)(implicit arg0: Schema[T]): Codec[String, T, CF]
  5. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  6. implicit val bigDecimal: Codec[String, BigDecimal, TextPlain]
  7. implicit def binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrameCodec[A, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit byteArrayCodec: Codec[Array[Byte], A, CF]): Codec[WebSocketFrame, Option[A], CF]

    A codec which expects only binary and close frames (all other frames cause a decoding error).

    A codec which expects only binary and close frames (all other frames cause a decoding error). Close frames correspond to None, while text frames are handled using the given byteArrayCodec and wrapped with Some.

  8. implicit def binaryWebSocketFrameCodec[A, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit byteArrayCodec: Codec[Array[Byte], A, CF]): Codec[WebSocketFrame, A, CF]

    A codec which expects only binary frames (all other frames cause a decoding error) and handles the text using the given byteArrayCodec.

  9. implicit val boolean: Codec[String, Boolean, TextPlain]
  10. implicit val byte: Codec[String, Byte, TextPlain]
  11. implicit val byteArray: Codec[Array[Byte], Array[Byte], OctetStream]
  12. implicit val byteBuffer: Codec[ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, OctetStream]
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  14. implicit val cookieCodec: Codec[String, List[Cookie], TextPlain]
  15. implicit val cookieWithMetaCodec: Codec[String, CookieWithMeta, TextPlain]
  16. implicit val cookiesCodec: Codec[List[String], List[Cookie], TextPlain]
  17. implicit val cookiesWithMetaCodec: Codec[List[String], List[CookieWithMeta], TextPlain]
  18. implicit val date: Codec[String, Date, TextPlain]
  19. implicit val double: Codec[String, Double, TextPlain]
  20. implicit val duration: Codec[String, Duration, TextPlain]
  21. def eitherLeft[L, A, B, CF <: CodecFormat](c1: Codec[L, A, CF], c2: Codec[L, B, CF]): Codec[L, Either[A, B], CF]

    Create a codec which during decoding, first tries to decode values on the left using c1.

    Create a codec which during decoding, first tries to decode values on the left using c1. If this fails for any reason, decoding is done using c2. Both codecs must have the same low-level values and formats.

    For a right-biased variant see Codec.eitherRight.

    The schema is defined to be an either schema as created by Schema.schemaForEither.

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def eitherRight[L, A, B, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c1: Codec[L, A, CF], c2: Codec[L, B, CF]): Codec[L, Either[A, B], CF]

    Create a codec which during decoding, first tries to decode values on the right using c2.

    Create a codec which during decoding, first tries to decode values on the right using c2. If this fails for any reason, decoding is done using c1. Both codecs must have the same low-level values and formats.

    For a left-biased variant see Codec.eitherLeft. This right-biased version is the default when using implicit codec resolution.

    The schema is defined to be an either schema as created by Schema.schemaForEither.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. implicit val file: Codec[File, File, OctetStream]
    Definition Classes
  26. implicit val float: Codec[String, Float, TextPlain]
  27. implicit macro def formCaseClassCodec[T <: Product with Serializable](implicit conf: Configuration): Codec[String, T, XWwwFormUrlencoded]
    Definition Classes
  28. def formMapCodec(charset: Charset): Codec[String, Map[String, String], XWwwFormUrlencoded]
  29. implicit val formMapCodecUtf8: Codec[String, Map[String, String], XWwwFormUrlencoded]
  30. def formSeqCodec(charset: Charset): Codec[String, Seq[(String, String)], XWwwFormUrlencoded]
  31. implicit val formSeqCodecUtf8: Codec[String, Seq[(String, String)], XWwwFormUrlencoded]
  32. def fromDecodeAndMeta[L, H, CF <: CodecFormat](cf: CF)(f: (L) => DecodeResult[H])(g: (H) => L)(implicit arg0: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
  33. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  34. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  35. def id[L, CF <: CodecFormat](f: CF, s: Schema[L]): Codec[L, L, CF]
  36. def idPlain[L](s: Schema[L] = Schema[L](SchemaType.SString())): Codec[L, L, TextPlain]
  37. implicit val inputStream: Codec[InputStream, InputStream, OctetStream]
  38. implicit val instant: Codec[String, Instant, TextPlain]
  39. implicit val int: Codec[String, Int, TextPlain]
  40. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  41. implicit val javaBigDecimal: Codec[String, BigDecimal, TextPlain]
  42. def json[T](_rawDecode: (String) => DecodeResult[T])(_encode: (T) => String)(implicit arg0: Schema[T]): JsonCodec[T]
  43. implicit def list[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[List[T], List[U], CF]

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a list of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a list of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    The schema is copied from the base codec.

  44. implicit def listHead[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[List[T], U, CF]

    Create a codec which requires that a list of low-level values contains a single element.

    Create a codec which requires that a list of low-level values contains a single element. Otherwise a decode failure is returned. The given base codec c is used for decoding/encoding.

    The schema and validator are copied from the base codec.

  45. implicit def listHeadOption[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[List[T], Option[U], CF]

    Create a codec which requires that a list of low-level values is empty or contains a single element.

    Create a codec which requires that a list of low-level values is empty or contains a single element. If it contains multiple elements, a decode failure is returned. The given base codec c is used for decoding/encoding.

    The schema and validator are copied from the base codec.

  46. implicit val localDate: Codec[String, LocalDate, TextPlain]
  47. implicit val localDateTime: Codec[String, LocalDateTime, TextPlain]
  48. implicit val localTime: Codec[String, LocalTime, TextPlain]
  49. implicit val long: Codec[String, Long, TextPlain]
  50. def multipartCodec(partCodecs: Map[String, PartCodec[_, _]], defaultPartCodec: Option[PartCodec[_, _]]): MultipartCodec[Seq[AnyPart]]


    For each supported part, a (raw body type, codec) pair which encodes the part value into a raw value of the given type. A single part value might be encoded as multiple (or none) raw values.


    Default codec to use for parts which are not defined in partCodecs. None, if extra parts should be discarded.

  51. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  52. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  53. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  54. implicit val offsetDateTime: Codec[String, OffsetDateTime, TextPlain]
  55. implicit val offsetTime: Codec[String, OffsetTime, TextPlain]
  56. implicit def option[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[Option[T], Option[U], CF]

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes an optional low-level value to an optional high-level value.

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes an optional low-level value to an optional high-level value. The given base codec c is used for decoding/encoding.

    The schema and validator are copied from the base codec.

  57. implicit def optionHead[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[Option[T], U, CF]

    Create a codec which requires that an optional low-level value is defined.

    Create a codec which requires that an optional low-level value is defined. If it is None, a decode failure is returned. The given base codec c is used for decoding/encoding.

    The schema and validator are copied from the base codec.

  58. implicit val path: Codec[File, Path, OctetStream]
    Definition Classes
  59. def rawPartCodec(partCodecs: Map[String, PartCodec[_, _]], defaultCodec: Option[PartCodec[_, _]]): Codec[Seq[RawPart], Seq[AnyPart], MultipartFormData]
  60. implicit val scalaDuration: Codec[String, Duration, TextPlain]
  61. implicit def set[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[List[T], Set[U], CF]

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a set of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a set of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    The schema is copied from the base codec.

  62. implicit val short: Codec[String, Short, TextPlain]
  63. implicit val string: Codec[String, String, TextPlain]
  64. def stringCodec[T](parse: (String) => T)(implicit arg0: Schema[T]): Codec[String, T, TextPlain]
  65. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  66. implicit def textOrCloseWebSocketFrameCodec[A, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit stringCodec: Codec[String, A, CF]): Codec[WebSocketFrame, Option[A], CF]

    A codec which expects only text and close frames (all other frames cause a decoding error).

    A codec which expects only text and close frames (all other frames cause a decoding error). Close frames correspond to None, while text frames are handled using the given stringCodec and wrapped with Some.

  67. implicit def textWebSocketFrameCodec[A, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit stringCodec: Codec[String, A, CF]): Codec[WebSocketFrame, A, CF]

    A codec which expects only text frames (all other frames cause a decoding error) and handles the text using the given stringCodec.

  68. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  69. implicit val uri: PlainCodec[Uri]
  70. implicit def usernamePasswordCodec: PlainCodec[UsernamePassword]
  71. implicit val uuid: Codec[String, UUID, TextPlain]
  72. implicit def vector[T, U, CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[T, U, CF]): Codec[List[T], Vector[U], CF]

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a vector of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    Create a codec which decodes/encodes a list of low-level values to a vector of high-level values, using the given base codec c.

    The schema and validator are copied from the base codec.

  73. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  74. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  75. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  76. implicit val webSocketFrameCodec: Codec[WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame, TextPlain]
  77. def xml[T](_rawDecode: (String) => DecodeResult[T])(_encode: (T) => String)(implicit arg0: Schema[T]): XmlCodec[T]
  78. implicit val zoneOffset: Codec[String, ZoneOffset, TextPlain]
  79. implicit val zonedDateTime: Codec[String, ZonedDateTime, TextPlain]

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

Inherited from LowPriorityCodec

Inherited from FormCodecMacros

Inherited from CodecExtensions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
