



package annotations

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. annotations
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait EndpointInputAnnotation extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  2. sealed trait EndpointOutputAnnotation extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  3. class apikey extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  4. class basic extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  5. class bearer extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  6. class body[R, CF <: CodecFormat] extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  7. class cookie extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation
  8. class cookies extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  9. class endpointInput extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation
  10. class header extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  11. class headers extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  12. class jsonbody extends body[String, Json]
  13. class params extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation
  14. class path extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation
  15. class query extends Annotation with EndpointInputAnnotation
  16. class securitySchemeName extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
  17. class setCookie extends Annotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  18. class setCookies extends Annotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  19. class statusCode extends Annotation with EndpointOutputAnnotation
  20. class xmlbody extends body[String, Xml]

Value Members

  1. macro def deriveEndpointInput[A]: EndpointInput[A]
  2. macro def deriveEndpointOutput[A]: EndpointOutput[A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
