
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot find a codec between types: ${L} and ${H}, formatted as: ${CF}.\nDid you define a codec for: ${H}?\nDid you import the codecs for: ${CF}?\n")
trait Codec[L, H, +CF <: CodecFormat]

A bi-directional mapping between low-level values of type L and high-level values of type H. Low level values are formatted as CF.

The mapping consists of a pair of functions, one to decode (L => H), and one to encode (H => L) Decoding can fail, and this is represented as a result of type DecodeResult.

A codec also contains optional meta-data on the schema of the high-level value, as well as an instance of the format (which determines the media type of the low-level value).

Codec instances are used as implicit values, and are looked up when defining endpoint inputs/outputs. Depending on a particular endpoint input/output, it might require a codec which uses a specific format, or a specific low-level value.

Codec instances can be derived basing on other values (e.g. such as json encoders/decoders when integrating with json libraries). Or, they can be defined by hand for custom types, usually customising an existing, simpler codec.

Codecs can be chained with Mapping s using the map function.

Type Params

The format of encoded values. Corresponds to the media type.


The type of the high-level value.


The type of the low-level value.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Codec[L, H, CF]

Value members

Abstract methods

def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by list
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by listHead
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by option
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by optionHead
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by set
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def encode(h: H): L
Implicitly added by vector
def encode(h: H): L
def format: CF
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def format: CF
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def format: CF
Implicitly added by list
def format: CF
Implicitly added by listHead
def format: CF
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def format: CF
Implicitly added by option
def format: CF
Implicitly added by optionHead
def format: CF
Implicitly added by set
def format: CF
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def format: CF
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def format: CF
Implicitly added by vector
def format: CF
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by list
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by listHead
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by option
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by set
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by vector
def rawDecode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by list
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by listHead
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by option
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by set
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def schema: Schema[H]
Implicitly added by vector
def schema: Schema[H]

Concrete methods

def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by list
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by listHead
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by option
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by optionHead
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by set
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
Implicitly added by vector
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def decode(l: L): DecodeResult[H]
  • calls rawDecode
  • catches any exceptions that might occur, converting them to decode failures
  • validates the result
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by list
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by listHead
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by option
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by set
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
Implicitly added by vector
def format[CF2 <: CodecFormat](f: CF2): Codec[L, H, CF2]
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def map[HH](mapping: Mapping[H, HH]): Codec[L, HH, CF]
def map[HH](f: H => HH)(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def mapDecode[HH](f: H => DecodeResult[HH])(g: HH => H): Codec[L, HH, CF]
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def schema(s2: Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
def schema(s2: Option[Schema[H]]): Codec[L, H, CF]
def schema(modify: Schema[H] => Schema[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def validate(v: Validator[H]): Codec[L, H, CF]
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def validateIterable[C <: (Iterable), U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsCU: H =:= C[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by binaryWebSocketFrame
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by list
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHead
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by listHeadOption
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by option
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by optionHead
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by set
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textOrCloseWebSocketFrame
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by textWebSocketFrame
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]
Implicitly added by vector
def validateOption[U](v: Validator[U])(implicit hIsOptionU: H =:= Option[U]): Codec[L, H, CF]