
trait WebSocketToPipe[-R]

Captures the logic of converting a WebSocket to a interpreter-specific pipe, which is then returned to the client. Implementations of this trait are looked up in the implicit scope by the compiler, depending on the capabilities that are required by the endpoint to be interpreted as a client.

For capabilities R, where web sockets aren't included, the implementation just throws an unsupported exception (and this logic shouldn't ever be used). For capabilities which include web sockets, appropriate implementations should be imported, e.g. from the sttp.tapir.client.sttp.ws.fs2._ or sttp.tapir.client.sttp.ws.akka._ packages.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class WebSocketToFs2Pipe[_F, R]

Type members


type F[_]
type S <: Streams[S]

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[REQ, RESP](s: Any)(ws: WebSocket[F], o: WebSocketBodyOutput[Any, REQ, RESP, _, S]): Any