
Type members


case class DuplicatedMethodDefinitionError(e: AnyEndpoint, methods: List[Method]) extends EndpointVerificationError

Endpoint e has multiple methods definitions but should have at most 1 defined.

Endpoint e has multiple methods definitions but should have at most 1 defined.

Examples of incorrectly defined endpoints:"x" / paths).get
case class IncorrectPathsError(e: AnyEndpoint, at: Int) extends EndpointVerificationError

Inputs in an endpoint are incorrect if a wildcard paths segment appears before any other segment. Reason: The wildcard paths consumes all of the remaining input, so any segment after it will never be matched.

Inputs in an endpoint are incorrect if a wildcard paths segment appears before any other segment. Reason: The wildcard paths consumes all of the remaining input, so any segment after it will never be matched.

Examples of incorrectly defined paths:"x" / paths / "y") / path[String].name("x")))
case class ShadowedEndpointError(e: AnyEndpoint, by: AnyEndpoint) extends EndpointVerificationError

Endpoint e1 is shadowed by endpoint e2 when all requests that match e2 also match e1. Here, "request matches endpoint" takes into account only the method & shape of the path. It does not take into account possible decoding failures: these might impact request-endpoint matching, and the exact behavior is determined by the sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.decodefailure.DecodeFailureHandler used.

Endpoint e1 is shadowed by endpoint e2 when all requests that match e2 also match e1. Here, "request matches endpoint" takes into account only the method & shape of the path. It does not take into account possible decoding failures: these might impact request-endpoint matching, and the exact behavior is determined by the sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.decodefailure.DecodeFailureHandler used.

If e2 is shadowed by e1 it means that e2 will be never called because all requests will be handled by e1 beforehand. Examples where e2 is shadowed by e1:

e1 ="x" / paths)
e2 ="x" / "y" / "x")

e1 =[String].name("y_1") / path[String].name("y_2"))
e2 =[String].name("y_3") / path[String].name("y_4"))