
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def zServerLogic[R](logic: INPUT => ZIO[R, ERROR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT])(implicit aIsUnit: SECURITY_INPUT =:= Unit): ZServerEndpoint[R, C]

Combine this public endpoint description with a function, which implements the server-side logic. The logic returns a result, which is either an error or a successful output, wrapped in an effect type F. For secure endpoints, use zServerSecurityLogic.

Combine this public endpoint description with a function, which implements the server-side logic. The logic returns a result, which is either an error or a successful output, wrapped in an effect type F. For secure endpoints, use zServerSecurityLogic.

A server endpoint can be passed to a server interpreter. Each server interpreter supports effects of a specific type(s).

Both the endpoint and logic function are considered complete, and cannot be later extended through the returned ServerEndpoint value (except for endpoint meta-data). Secure endpoints allow providing the security logic before all the inputs and outputs are specified.

def zServerSecurityLogic[R, U](f: SECURITY_INPUT => ZIO[R, ERROR_OUTPUT, U]): ZPartialServerEndpoint[R, SECURITY_INPUT, U, INPUT, ERROR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT, C]

Combine this endpoint description with a function, which implements the security logic of the endpoint.

Combine this endpoint description with a function, which implements the security logic of the endpoint.

Subsequently, the endpoint inputs and outputs can be extended (but not error outputs!). Then the main server logic can be provided, given a function which accepts as arguments the result of the security logic and the remaining input. The final result is then a ServerEndpoint.

A complete server endpoint can be passed to a server interpreter. Each server interpreter supports effects of a specific type(s).

An example use-case is defining an endpoint with fully-defined errors, and with security logic built-in. Such an endpoint can be then extended by multiple other endpoints, by specifying different inputs, outputs and the main logic.