


package scalameter

Linear Supertypes
MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scalameter
  2. MeasureBuilder
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AbstractPerformanceTest extends AnyRef

    Abstract required for the org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework to find all performance tests.

  2. abstract class BasePerformanceTest[U] extends AbstractPerformanceTest
  3. abstract class Bench[U] extends DSL[U] with Serializable

    Base class for ScalaMeter benchmarks.

  4. case class CurveData[T](measurements: Seq[Measurement[T]], info: Map[Key[_], Any], context: Context) extends Product with Serializable
  5. abstract class DSL[U] extends BasePerformanceTest[U]
  6. class Errors[T] extends AnyRef
  7. trait Executor[V] extends AnyRef

    Executor is a class that executes benchmarks.

    Executor is a class that executes benchmarks.

    It uses a warmer to get the VM to a state where benchmarks can be executed. It then uses a measurer to do the actual measurements.

  8. abstract class Gen[T] extends Serializable

    Base class for ScalaMeter generators.

    Base class for ScalaMeter generators.

    Generators create warmup and benchmark datasets for running benchmarks. They support neat combinator-style syntax for composing more complex generators out of simpler ones.

  9. trait GroupedPerformanceTest extends BasePerformanceTest[Nothing]
  10. case class History[V](results: Seq[Entry[V]], infomap: Map[Key[_], Any] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  11. type KeyValue = (Key[T], T) forSome {type T}
  12. sealed trait LowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  13. case class Measurement[T](value: T, params: Parameters, data: MeasurementData[T], units: String)(implicit evidence$1: Pickler[T]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class Parameter[T](fullName: String)(implicit evidence$1: Pickler[T]) extends PicklerBasedKey[T] with Product with Serializable
  15. case class Parameters(axisData: Map[Parameter[_], Any]) extends Product with Serializable
  16. trait Persistor extends AnyRef

    Persistors are used to store historical data about benchmark runs.

  17. trait PrettyPrinter[T] extends Serializable

    Pretty prints values.

    Pretty prints values.

    The default implementation simply calls toString method.

  18. trait Reporter[T] extends Serializable

    Reporters report results of ScalaMeter benchmarks.

    Reporters report results of ScalaMeter benchmarks.

    Reporters are called at the completion of each benchmark, and once more after all benchmarks complete.

  19. class ScalaMeterFramework extends Framework
  20. case class Setup[T](context: Context, gen: Gen[T], setupbeforeall: Option[() ⇒ Unit], teardownafterall: Option[() ⇒ Unit], setup: Option[(T) ⇒ Any], teardown: Option[(T) ⇒ Any], customwarmup: Option[() ⇒ Any], snippet: (T) ⇒ Any) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def config(kvs: KeyValue*): MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]
    Definition Classes
  2. val ctx: Context
    Definition Classes
  3. def currentContext: Context
  4. def events: Events
  5. def log: Log
  6. def measure[S](b: ⇒ S): Quantity[Double]
    Definition Classes
  7. def measureWith[S](b: (Unit) ⇒ S): Quantity[Double]
    Definition Classes
  8. val measurer: Measurer[Double]
    Definition Classes
  9. val regen: () ⇒ Unit
    Definition Classes
  10. val resultFunction: (Seq[Quantity[Double]]) ⇒ Quantity[Double]
    Definition Classes
  11. def setUp(b: (Unit) ⇒ Unit): MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]
    Definition Classes
  12. val setup: (Unit) ⇒ Unit
    Definition Classes
  13. def tearDown(b: (Unit) ⇒ Unit): MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]
    Definition Classes
  14. val teardown: (Unit) ⇒ Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. val warmer: Warmer
    Definition Classes
  16. def withMeasurer[V](m: Measurer[V], a: (Seq[Quantity[V]]) ⇒ Quantity[V]): MeasureBuilder[Unit, V]
    Definition Classes
  17. def withMeasurer(m: Measurer[Double]): MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]
    Definition Classes
  18. def withTestContext[U](ctx: Context, log: Log, handler: Events)(body: ⇒ U): U
  19. def withWarmer(w: Warmer): MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]
    Definition Classes
  20. object BasePerformanceTest
  21. object Bench extends Serializable
  22. object CurveData extends Serializable
  23. object DSL
  24. object Executor

    Companion object with default implementations.

  25. object FrameworkKey extends KeyContainer

    Object containing keys specific to the ScalaMeter benchmarking framework.

  26. object Gen extends Serializable
  27. object History extends Serializable
  28. object Main
  29. object Measurement extends Serializable
  30. object Parameters extends Serializable
  31. object Persistor
  32. object PrettyPrinter extends LowPriorityImplicits with Serializable
  33. object Reporter extends Serializable
  34. object api extends Keys

    Import the contents of this singleton object to obtain access to most abstractions in the ScalaMeter API.

    Import the contents of this singleton object to obtain access to most abstractions in the ScalaMeter API.

    Note that some definitions might shadow others, so if you import the contents of this object, you should not import the contents of other packages directly.

    This object contains:

    • basic datatypes and singleton objects for writing tests, such as PerformanceTest
    • all the context map keys
    • contents of the execution package
    • contents of the reporting package
    • contents of the persistence package
    • the Executor.Measurer object
    • the RegressionReporter.Tester object
    • the RegressionReporter.Historian object
    • the ChartReporter.ChartFactory object
    • the HtmlReporter.Renderer object
    • and much more...

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def defaultClasspath: String

    (Since version 0.5) Use utils.ClassPath.default

  2. def extractClasspath(classLoader: ClassLoader, default: ⇒ String): String

    (Since version 0.5) Use utils.ClassPath.extract

Inherited from MeasureBuilder[Unit, Double]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
