Class ClientFilter

  extended by com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.ClientFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConnectionListenerFilter, CsrfProtectionFilter, GZIPContentEncodingFilter, HTTPBasicAuthFilter, HTTPDigestAuthFilter, LoggingFilter

public abstract class ClientFilter
extends java.lang.Object
implements ClientHandler

A client filter capable of modifying the outbound HTTP request or the inbound HTTP response.

An application-based filter extends this class and implements the ClientHandler.handle(com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientRequest) method. The general implementation pattern is as follows:

     class AppClientFilter extends ClientFilter {

         public ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest cr) {
             // Modify the request
             ClientRequest mcr = modifyRequest(cr);
             // Call the next client handler in the filter chain
             ClientResponse resp = getNext().handle(mcr);
             // Modify the response
             return modifyResponse(resp);


A client filter is re-entrant and may be called by by more than one thread at the same time.

A client filter instance MUST be occur at most once in any Filterable instance, otherwise unexpected results may occur. If it is necessary to add the same type of client filter more than once to the same Filterable instance or to more than one Filterable instance then a new instance of that filter MUST be added.

[email protected]

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ClientHandler getNext()
          Get the next client handler to invoke in the chain of filters.
abstract  ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest cr)
          Handle a HTTP request as a ClientRequest and return the HTTP response as a ClientResponse.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClientFilter()
Method Detail


public final ClientHandler getNext()
Get the next client handler to invoke in the chain of filters.

the next client handler.


public abstract ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest cr)
                               throws ClientHandlerException
Description copied from interface: ClientHandler
Handle a HTTP request as a ClientRequest and return the HTTP response as a ClientResponse.

Specified by:
handle in interface ClientHandler
cr - the HTTP request.
the HTTP response.
ClientHandlerException - if the client handler fails to process the request or response.

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