Class HttpServerFactory

  extended by com.sun.jersey.api.container.httpserver.HttpServerFactory

public final class HttpServerFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Factory for creating HttpServer instances.

The HttpServer executor will be configued with instance returned from Executors.newCachedThreadPool(). This behaviour may be overridden before HttpServer.start() is called.

[email protected]

Method Summary
static create(java.lang.String u)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classpath.
static create(java.lang.String u, handler)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.
static create(java.lang.String u, ResourceConfig rc)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.
static create(java.lang.String u, ResourceConfig rc, IoCComponentProviderFactory factory)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.
static create( u)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.
static create( u, handler)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.
static create( u, ResourceConfig rc)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.
static create( u, ResourceConfig rc, IoCComponentProviderFactory factory)
          Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static create(java.lang.String u)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classpath.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create( u)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create(java.lang.String u,
                                                       ResourceConfig rc)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class, ResourceConfig) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
rc - the resource configuration.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create( u,
                                                       ResourceConfig rc)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class, ResourceConfig) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
rc - the resource configuration.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create(java.lang.String u,
                                                       ResourceConfig rc,
                                                       IoCComponentProviderFactory factory)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class, ResourceConfig) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
rc - the resource configuration.
factory - the IoC component provider factory the web application delegates to for obtaining instances of resource and provider classes. May be null if the web application is responsible for instantiating resource and provider classes.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create( u,
                                                       ResourceConfig rc,
                                                       IoCComponentProviderFactory factory)
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource and provder classes declared by the resource configuration.

This implementation defers to the ContainerFactory.createContainer(Class, ResourceConfig) method for creating an HttpHandler that manages the root resources.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
rc - the resource configuration.
factory - the IoC component provider factory the web application delegates to for obtaining instances of resource and provider classes. May be null if the web application is responsible for instantiating resource and provider classes.
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create(java.lang.String u,
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
handler - the HTTP handler
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null


public static create( u,
Create a HttpServer that registers a HttpHandler that in turn manages all root resource classes found by searching the classes referenced in the java classath.

u - the URI to create the http server. The URI scheme must be equal to "http" or "https". The URI user information and host are ignored If the URI port is not present then port 80 will be used. The URI path must not be null or an empty string, and must not absolute (start with a '/' character). The URI path is used as the context of the HTTP handler (and corresponds to the base path). The URI query and fragment components are ignored.
handler - the HTTP handler
the http server
Throws: - if an error occurs creating the container.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if u is null

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