Class UriComponent

  extended by com.sun.jersey.api.uri.UriComponent

public class UriComponent
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class for validating, encoding and decoding components of a URI.

[email protected]

Nested Class Summary
static class UriComponent.Type
          The URI component type.
Method Summary
static java.lang.String contextualEncode(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t)
          Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
static java.lang.String contextualEncode(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
          Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t)
          Decodes characters of a string that are percent-encoded octets using UTF-8 decoding (if needed).
static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeMatrix(java.lang.String pathSegment, boolean decode)
          Decode the matrix component of a URI path segment.
static java.util.List<PathSegment> decodePath(java.lang.String path, boolean decode)
          Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.
static java.util.List<PathSegment> decodePath( u, boolean decode)
          Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.
static void decodePathSegment(java.util.List<PathSegment> segments, java.lang.String segment, boolean decode)
static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeQuery(java.lang.String q, boolean decode)
          Decode the query component of a URI.
static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeQuery( u, boolean decode)
          Decode the query component of a URI.
static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t)
          Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
          Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
static java.lang.String encodeTemplateNames(java.lang.String s)
          Encodes a string with template parameters names present, specifically the characters '{' and '}' will be percent-encoded.
static boolean valid(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t)
          Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
static boolean valid(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
          Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
static void validate(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t)
          Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
static void validate(java.lang.String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
          Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void validate(java.lang.String s,
                            UriComponent.Type t)
Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.

s - the encoded string.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the legal characters.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the encoded string contains illegal characters.


public static void validate(java.lang.String s,
                            UriComponent.Type t,
                            boolean template)
Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.

s - the encoded string.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the legal characters.
template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the encoded string contains illegal characters.


public static boolean valid(java.lang.String s,
                            UriComponent.Type t)
Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.

s - the encoded string.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the legal characters.
true if the encoded string is valid, otherwise false.


public static boolean valid(java.lang.String s,
                            UriComponent.Type t,
                            boolean template)
Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.

s - the encoded string.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the legal characters.
template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
true if the encoded string is valid, otherwise false.


public static java.lang.String contextualEncode(java.lang.String s,
                                                UriComponent.Type t)
Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. Percent-encoded characters will be recognized and not double encoded.

s - the string to be encoded.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
the encoded string.


public static java.lang.String contextualEncode(java.lang.String s,
                                                UriComponent.Type t,
                                                boolean template)
Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. Percent-encoded characters will be recognized and not double encoded.

s - the string to be encoded.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
the encoded string.


public static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String s,
                                      UriComponent.Type t)
Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.

s - the string to be encoded.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
the encoded string.


public static java.lang.String encode(java.lang.String s,
                                      UriComponent.Type t,
                                      boolean template)
Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.

s - the string to be encoded.
t - the URI compontent type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
the encoded string.


public static java.lang.String encodeTemplateNames(java.lang.String s)
Encodes a string with template parameters names present, specifically the characters '{' and '}' will be percent-encoded.

s - the string with zero or more template parameters names
the string with encoded template parameters names.


public static java.lang.String decode(java.lang.String s,
                                      UriComponent.Type t)
Decodes characters of a string that are percent-encoded octets using UTF-8 decoding (if needed).

It is assumed that the string is valid according to an (unspecified) URI component type. If a sequence of contiguous percent-encoded octets is not a valid UTF-8 character then the octets are replaced with '�'.

If the URI component is of type HOST then any "%" found between "[]" is left alone. It is an IPv6 literal with a scope_id.

If the URI component is of type QUERY_PARAM then any "+" is decoded as as ' '.

s - the string to be decoded.
t - the URI component type, may be null.
the decoded string.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a malformed percent-encoded octet is detected


public static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeQuery( u,
                                                                            boolean decode)
Decode the query component of a URI.

u - the URI.
decode - true if the query parameters of the query component should be in decoded form.
the multivalued map of query parameters.


public static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeQuery(java.lang.String q,
                                                                            boolean decode)
Decode the query component of a URI.

q - the query component in encoded form.
decode - true of the query parameters of the query component should be in decoded form.
the multivalued map of query parameters.


public static java.util.List<PathSegment> decodePath( u,
                                                     boolean decode)
Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.

u - the URI. If the path component is an absolute path component then the leading '/' is ignored and is not considered a delimiator of a path segment.
decode - true if the path segments of the path component should be in decoded form.
the list of path segments.


public static java.util.List<PathSegment> decodePath(java.lang.String path,
                                                     boolean decode)
Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.

Any '/' character in the path is considered to be a deliminator between two path segments. Thus if the path is '/' then the path segment list will contain two empty path segments. If the path is "//" then the path segment list will contain three empty path segments. If the path is "/a/" the path segment list will consist of the following path segments in order: "", "a" and "".

path - the path component in encoded form.
decode - true if the path segments of the path component should be in decoded form.
the list of path segments.


public static void decodePathSegment(java.util.List<PathSegment> segments,
                                     java.lang.String segment,
                                     boolean decode)


public static MultivaluedMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> decodeMatrix(java.lang.String pathSegment,
                                                                             boolean decode)
Decode the matrix component of a URI path segment.

pathSegment - the path segment component in encoded form.
decode - true if the matrix parameters of the path segment component should be in decoded form.
the multivalued map of matrix parameters.

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