Interface UriRules<R>

Type Parameters:
R - the type of rule.

public interface UriRules<R>

A collection of URI rules that can be matched against a path using associated patterns.

The precedence of the rules and the type of patterns is specified by an implementation of this interface.

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Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator<R> match(java.lang.CharSequence path, UriMatchResultContext resultContext)
          Match a URI path to the collection of rules and iterate over the matching rules.

Method Detail


java.util.Iterator<R> match(java.lang.CharSequence path,
                            UriMatchResultContext resultContext)
Match a URI path to the collection of rules and iterate over the matching rules.

path - the URI path to be matched
resultContext - the context to store the match result. The result will be set each time is called according to the pattern associated with the returned rule. The matching groups in the result are stored in the same order as the pattern's capturing groups.
an iterator of matching rules

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