Uses of Class

Packages that use Application
com.sun.jersey.api.core Provides support for configuration. 
com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet Provides support for servlet-based and filter-based Web applications. APIs that provide extensions to the types supported by the JAX-RS API. 

Uses of Application in com.sun.jersey.api.core

Subclasses of Application in com.sun.jersey.api.core
 class ApplicationAdapter
          An extension of DefaultResourceConfig that adapts an instance of Application.
 class ClassNamesResourceConfig
          A mutable implementation of DefaultResourceConfig that explicitly declares for root resource and provider classes.
 class ClasspathResourceConfig
          A mutable implementation of DefaultResourceConfig that dynamically searches for root resource and provider classes in the files and directories declared by the property ClasspathResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CLASSPATH.
 class DefaultResourceConfig
          A mutable implementation of ResourceConfig that declares default values for features.
 class PackagesResourceConfig
          A mutable implementation of DefaultResourceConfig that dynamically searches for root resource and provider classes in a given a set of declared package and in all (if any) sub-packages of those declared packages.
 class ResourceConfig
          The resource configuration for configuring a web application.
 class ScanningResourceConfig
          A resource configuration that performs scanning to find root resource and provider classes.

Methods in com.sun.jersey.api.core with parameters of type Application
 void ResourceConfig.add(Application app)
          Add the state of an Application to this instance.

Constructors in com.sun.jersey.api.core with parameters of type Application
ApplicationAdapter(Application ac)

Uses of Application in com.sun.jersey.api.core.servlet

Subclasses of Application in com.sun.jersey.api.core.servlet
 class WebAppResourceConfig
          A mutable implementation of DefaultResourceConfig that dynamically searches for root resource and provider classes in the Web application resource paths declared by the property ClasspathResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CLASSPATH.

Uses of Application in com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet

Constructors in com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet with parameters of type Application
ServletContainer(Application app)
WebComponent(Application app)

Constructor parameters in com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet with type arguments of type Application
ServletContainer(java.lang.Class<? extends Application> appClass)

Uses of Application in

Methods in with parameters of type Application
<T> T
RuntimeDelegateImpl.createEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.Class<T> endpointType)

Uses of Application in

Methods in with parameters of type Application
<T> T
RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.Class<T> endpointType)
          Create a configured instance of the supplied endpoint type.

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