Package com.sun.jersey.api

Provides support for responses and exceptions.


Class Summary
JResponse<E> Defines the contract between a returned instance and the runtime when an application needs to provide metadata to the runtime.
JResponse.AJResponseBuilder<E,B extends JResponse.AJResponseBuilder> An abstract response builder that may be utilized to extend response building and the construction of JResponse instances.
JResponse.JResponseBuilder<E> A class used to build JResponse instances that contain metadata instead of or in addition to an entity.
JResponseAsResponse An adaption of JResponse as a Response.
Responses Common status codes and responses.

Exception Summary
ConflictException A HTTP 409 (Conflict) exception.
MessageException This exception may be used in conjuction with WebApplicationException to include a message.
NotFoundException A HTTP 404 (Not Found) exception.
ParamException An abstract extension of WebApplicationException for the class of parameter-based exceptions.
ParamException.CookieParamException A parameter exception for errors with CookieParam.
ParamException.FormParamException A parameter exception for errors with FormParam.
ParamException.HeaderParamException A parameter exception for errors with HeaderParam.
ParamException.MatrixParamException A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with MatrixParam.
ParamException.PathParamException A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with PathParam.
ParamException.QueryParamException A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with QueryParam.
ParamException.URIParamException An abstract parameter exception for the class of URI-parameter-based exceptions.

Package com.sun.jersey.api Description

Provides support for responses and exceptions.

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