Package com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component

Provides support for components.


Interface Summary
ComponentContext A component context providing information to ComponentProvider and InjectableProvider instances on the accessible object and list of annotations associated with the component instance to be obtained and/or injected.
ComponentProvider Provide instances of a component.
ComponentProviderFactory<C extends ComponentProvider> A factory for obtaining component providers.

Class Summary
AnnotatedContext A component context for an accessible object and/or an array of annotations.
ComponentConstructor<T> A constructor of a component.
ComponentDestructor A destructor of a component.
ComponentInjector<T> An injector to inject on a component.
ProviderFactory A component provider factory for provider components (which are singletons).
ProviderServices Combines access to provider instances given a set of provider classes, a set of provider instances and providers registered in META-INF/services.

Enum Summary
ComponentScope The scope contract for a component.

Package com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component Description

Provides support for components.

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