Package com.sun.jersey.spi.container

Provides support for containers and the web application that manages resource classes.


Interface Summary
ContainerListener A listener that is registered with a ContainerNotifier to get notified of container related events.
ContainerNotifier A container notifier that is used to register container listeners.
ContainerProvider<T> Service-provider interface for creating container instances.
ContainerRequestFilter A filter for filtering a request.
ContainerResponseFilter A filter for filtering a response.
ContainerResponseWriter Containers implement this interface and provide an instance to the WebApplication or ContainerResponse.
ExceptionMapperContext Provides lookup of ExceptionMapper instances that can be used to map exceptions to responses.
ResourceFilter A resource filter to be used to filter a resource method, a sub-resource method, or a sub-resource locator.
ResourceFilterFactory A resource filter factory responsible for creating ResourceFilter instances that match methods of the abstract resource model.
WebApplication A Web application that manages a set of resource classes.
WebApplicationProvider Service-provider interface for creating Web application instances.

Class Summary
AdaptingContainerRequest An adapting in-bound HTTP request that may override the behaviour of ContainerRequest.
AdaptingContainerResponse An adapting in-bound HTTP response that may override the behaviour of ContainerResponse.
CachedEntityContainerRequest A cached entity in-bound HTTP request that caches the entity instance obtained from the adapted container request.
ContainerRequest An in-bound HTTP request to be processed by the web application.
ContainerResponse An out-bound HTTP response to be processed by the web application.
WebApplicationFactory A factory for WebApplication instances.

Annotation Types Summary
ParamQualifier A meta-annotation that identifies an annotation as a parameter-based annotation.
ResourceFilters Defines the list of application-declared ResourceFilter classes associated with a resource method, a sub-resource method, or a sub-resource locator.

Package com.sun.jersey.spi.container Description

Provides support for containers and the web application that manages resource classes.

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