Type members


final case
class AuditLog(serviceName: String, methodName: String, resourceName: String, resourceLocation: Option[ResourceLocation], resourceOriginalState: Option[Struct], numResponseItems: Long, status: Option[Status], authenticationInfo: Option[AuthenticationInfo], authorizationInfo: Seq[AuthorizationInfo], requestMetadata: Option[RequestMetadata], request: Option[Struct], response: Option[Struct], metadata: Option[Struct], serviceData: Option[Any], unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AuditLog]

Common audit log format for Google Cloud Platform API operations.

Common audit log format for Google Cloud Platform API operations.

Value Params

Authentication information.


Authorization information. If there are multiple resources or permissions involved, then there is one AuthorizationInfo element for each {resource, permission} tuple.


Other service-specific data about the request, response, and other information associated with the current audited event.


The name of the service method or operation. For API calls, this should be the name of the API method. For example, "" "google.logging.v2.ConfigServiceV2.CreateSink"


The number of items returned from a List or Query API method, if applicable.


The operation request. This may not include all request parameters, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record. It should never include user-generated data, such as file contents. When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto name will be indicated in the @type property.


Metadata about the operation.


The resource location information.


The resource or collection that is the target of the operation. The name is a scheme-less URI, not including the API service name. For example: "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/us-central1-a/instances" "projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID"


The resource's original state before mutation. Present only for operations which have successfully modified the targeted resource(s). In general, this field should contain all changed fields, except those that are already been included in request, response, metadata or service_data fields. When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto name will be indicated in the @type property.


The operation response. This may not include all response elements, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record. It should never include user-generated data, such as file contents. When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto name will be indicated in the @type property.


Deprecated. Use the metadata field instead. Other service-specific data about the request, response, and other activities.


The name of the API service performing the operation. For example, "".


The status of the overall operation.

object AuditLog extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AuditLog] with JavaProtoSupport[AuditLog, AuditLog]
object AuditLogProto extends GeneratedFileObject
final case
class AuthenticationInfo(principalEmail: String, authoritySelector: String, thirdPartyPrincipal: Option[Struct], serviceAccountKeyName: String, serviceAccountDelegationInfo: Seq[ServiceAccountDelegationInfo], principalSubject: String, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AuthenticationInfo]

Authentication information for the operation.

Authentication information for the operation.

Value Params

The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any. It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.


The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity callers, the principal_subject field is populated instead of this field. For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted. For more information, see


String representation of identity of requesting party. Populated for both first and third party identities.


Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original ordering of the identity delegation events.


The name of the service account key used to create or exchange credentials for authenticating the service account making the request. This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example: "//{PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT}/keys/{key}"


The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making the request. When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto name will be indicated in the @type property.

object AuthenticationInfo extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AuthenticationInfo] with JavaProtoSupport[AuthenticationInfo, AuthenticationInfo]
final case
class AuthorizationInfo(resource: String, permission: String, granted: Boolean, resourceAttributes: Option[Resource], unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AuthorizationInfo]

Authorization information for the operation.

Authorization information for the operation.

Value Params

Whether or not authorization for resource and permission was granted.


The required IAM permission.


The resource being accessed, as a REST-style or cloud resource string. For example: or projects/PROJECTID/datasets/DATASETID


Resource attributes used in IAM condition evaluation. This field contains resource attributes like resource type and resource name. To get the whole view of the attributes used in IAM condition evaluation, the user must also look into AuditLog.request_metadata.request_attributes.

object AuthorizationInfo extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AuthorizationInfo] with JavaProtoSupport[AuthorizationInfo, AuthorizationInfo]
final case
class RequestMetadata(callerIp: String, callerSuppliedUserAgent: String, callerNetwork: String, requestAttributes: Option[Request], destinationAttributes: Option[Peer], unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RequestMetadata]

Metadata about the request.

Metadata about the request.

Value Params

The IP address of the caller. For caller from internet, this will be public IPv4 or IPv6 address. For caller from a Compute Engine VM with external IP address, this will be the VM's external IP address. For caller from a Compute Engine VM without external IP address, if the VM is in the same organization (or project) as the accessed resource, caller_ip will be the VM's internal IPv4 address, otherwise the caller_ip will be redacted to "gce-internal-ip". See for more information.


The network of the caller. Set only if the network host project is part of the same GCP organization (or project) as the accessed resource. See for more information. This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example: "//"


The user agent of the caller. This information is not authenticated and should be treated accordingly. For example:

  • google-api-python-client/1.4.0: The request was made by the Google API client for Python.
  • Cloud SDK Command Line Tool apitools-client/1.0 gcloud/0.9.62: The request was made by the Google Cloud SDK CLI (gcloud).
  • AppEngine-Google; (+; appid: s~my-project: The request was made from the my-project App Engine app.

The destination of a network activity, such as accepting a TCP connection. In a multi hop network activity, the destination represents the receiver of the last hop. Only two fields are used in this message, Peer.port and Peer.ip. These fields are optionally populated by those services utilizing the IAM condition feature.


Request attributes used in IAM condition evaluation. This field contains request attributes like request time and access levels associated with the request. To get the whole view of the attributes used in IAM condition evaluation, the user must also look into AuditLog.authentication_info.resource_attributes.

object RequestMetadata extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RequestMetadata] with JavaProtoSupport[RequestMetadata, RequestMetadata]
final case
class ResourceLocation(currentLocations: Seq[String], originalLocations: Seq[String], unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ResourceLocation]

Location information about a resource.

Location information about a resource.

Value Params

The locations of a resource after the execution of the operation. Requests to create or delete a location based resource must populate the 'current_locations' field and not the 'original_locations' field. For example: "europe-west1-a" "us-east1" "nam3"


The locations of a resource prior to the execution of the operation. Requests that mutate the resource's location must populate both the 'original_locations' as well as the 'current_locations' fields. For example: "europe-west1-a" "us-east1" "nam3"

object ResourceLocation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ResourceLocation] with JavaProtoSupport[ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation]
final case
class ServiceAccountDelegationInfo(principalSubject: String, authority: Authority, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ServiceAccountDelegationInfo]

Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account.

Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account.

Value Params

A string representing the principal_subject associated with the identity. For most identities, the format will be principal://{identity pool name}/subject/{subject) except for some GKE identities (GKE_WORKLOAD, FREEFORM, GKE_HUB_WORKLOAD) that are still in the legacy format serviceAccount:{identity pool name}[{subject}]

object ServiceAccountDelegationInfo extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ServiceAccountDelegationInfo] with JavaProtoSupport[ServiceAccountDelegationInfo, ServiceAccountDelegationInfo]