


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def exitToStatus(ex: Exit[Status, Unit]): Status
def makeStreamingInputListener[Req, Res](writeResponse: (Stream[Status, Req], RequestContext, ZServerCall[Res]) => ZIO[Any, Status, Unit])(zioCall: ZServerCall[Res], requestContext: RequestContext): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Listener[Req]]

Creates a Listener for a request with a streaming input.

Creates a Listener for a request with a streaming input.

writeResponse: given a request, returns a effects that computes the response and writes it through the given ZServerCall.


def makeUnaryInputListener[Req, Res](writeResponse: (Req, RequestContext, ZServerCall[Res]) => ZIO[Any, Status, Unit], runtime: Runtime[Any])(zioCall: ZServerCall[Res], requestContext: RequestContext): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Listener[Req]]

Creates a Listener for a request with a unary input.

Creates a Listener for a request with a unary input.

writeResponse: given a request, returns a effects that computes the response and writes it through the given ZServerCall.


def streamingInputListener[Req, Res](runtime: Runtime[Any], call: ZServerCall[Res], queue: Queue[Option[Req]], requestContext: RequestContext, writeResponse: Stream[Status, Req] => ZIO[Any, Status, Unit]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Listener[Req]]
def unaryInputListener[Req](runtime: Runtime[Any], call: ZServerCall[_], completed: Promise[Status, Unit], request: Promise[Nothing, Req], requestContext: RequestContext, writeResponse: Req => ZIO[Any, Status, Unit]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Listener[Req]]