
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object JS_NORMAL extends JSType with Recognized

Use the default type.

Use the default type.

case object JS_NUMBER extends JSType with Recognized

Use JavaScript numbers.

Use JavaScript numbers.

case object JS_STRING extends JSType with Recognized

Use JavaScript strings.

Use JavaScript strings.

sealed trait Recognized extends JSType
final case class Unrecognized(unrecognizedValue: Int) extends JSType with UnrecognizedEnum

Inherited types

type ValueType = A

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromJavaValue(pbJavaSource: JSType): JSType
def fromValue(`__value`: Int): JSType
def javaDescriptor: EnumDescriptor
def toJavaValue(pbScalaSource: JSType): JSType

Inherited methods

def fromName(name: String): Option[JSType]

Concrete fields

lazy val values: Seq[JSType]
