
object Using
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait ScopeExitHandler extends AutoCloseable

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[R <: AutoCloseable]: R =:= Using[R]

Returns a Using keyword to execute a ScopeExitHandler when exiting the nearest enclosing scope that is annotated as @reset, (or the nearest enclosing function if compilerplugins.ResetEverywhere is enabled).

Returns a Using keyword to execute a ScopeExitHandler when exiting the nearest enclosing scope that is annotated as @reset, (or the nearest enclosing function if compilerplugins.ResetEverywhere is enabled).


This method is similar to apply, except the parameter type is changed from a generic R to the SAM type ScopeExitHandler, which allows for function literal expressions in Scala 2.12+ or Scala 2.11 with -Xexperimental compiler option.


The following function will perform n *= 2 after n += 20:

         import scala.concurrent.Future
         import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.Using.scopeExit
         import com.thoughtworks.dsl.bangnotation._, Ops._
         var n = 1
         def multiplicationAfterAddition = *[Future] {
           !scopeExit { () =>
             n *= 2
           n += 20

Therefore, the final value of n should be (1 + 20) * 2 = 42.
 { _ =>
           n should be(42)



given IsKeyword_Using_R[R <: AutoCloseable]: IsKeyword[Using[R], R]
given implicitUsing: From => Keyword