
object invariant

The namespace that contains the invariant TryT.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object TryT extends TryTInstances0 with InvariantInstances


type TryT[F[_], A] = TryT[F, A]

A monad transformer for exception handling.

A monad transformer for exception handling.

See also

This TryT transfomer is similar to scalaz.EitherT, except TryT handles exceptions thrown in callback functions passed to map, bind or point.


This TryT type is an opacity alias to F[Try[A]]. All type classes and helper functions for this TryT type are defined in the companion object TryT


As a monad transformer, TryT should be used with another monadic data type, like scalaz.Name.

         import scalaz.Name
         import com.thoughtworks.tryt.invariant.TryT, TryT._
         type TryName[A] = TryT[Name, A]

Given a validate function,

         def validate(s: String): Int = s.toInt

when creating a TryT-transformed scalaz.Name from the validate,

         import scalaz.syntax.all._
         val invalidTry: TryName[Int] = validate("invalid input").point[TryName]

then the exceptions thrown in validate call should be converted to a scala.util.Failure;

         import com.thoughtworks.tryt.invariant.TryT._
         val TryT(Name(failure)) = invalidTry
         import scala.util._
         failure should be(an[Failure[_]])

and when there is no exception thrown in validate call,

         val validTry: TryName[Int] = validate("42").point[TryName]

then the result of validate call should be converted to a scala.util.Success;

         val TryT(Name(success)) = validTry
         success should be(Success(42))

and when the TryT-transformed scalaz.Name is built from a for-comprehension,

         val invalidForComprehension: TryName[Int] = for {
           i <- validate("42").point[TryName]
           j <- validate("invalid input").point[TryName]
         } yield i + j

then the exceptions thrown in the for-comprehension should be converted to a scala.util.Failure;

         val TryT(Name(failure2)) = invalidTry
         failure2 should be(an[Failure[_]])