Interface HasOwner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the "owner", e.g. a JavaClass as the owner of a JavaMember
All Known Implementing Classes:
AccessTarget, AccessTarget.CodeUnitCallTarget, AccessTarget.ConstructorCallTarget, AccessTarget.FieldAccessTarget, AccessTarget.MethodCallTarget, InstanceofCheck, JavaAccess, JavaAnnotation, JavaCall, JavaCodeUnit, JavaConstructor, JavaConstructorCall, JavaField, JavaFieldAccess, JavaMember, JavaMethod, JavaMethodCall, JavaParameter, JavaStaticInitializer, JavaTypeVariable, ReferencedClassObject, ThrowsClause, ThrowsDeclaration

public interface HasOwner<T>
A highly context dependent definition of something that has a higher order "owner". In general the owner refers to a concept where this object is part of. For example a JavaMember is owned by the JavaClass that declares this member (i.e. "belongs to" this JavaClass).
In general the owner is an instance of the next more complex concept where this object is a part of. A declared Throwable is owned by the declaration which is in turn owned by the method that declares it, an annotation parameter is owned by the annotation that declares it, etc.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    static class  HasOwner.Functions  
    static class  HasOwner.Predicates  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    T getOwner()