Interface MembersShould<CONJUNCTION extends MembersShouldConjunction<?>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
CodeUnitsShould<CONJUNCTION>, FieldsShould<CONJUNCTION>, MethodsShould<CONJUNCTION>

public interface MembersShould<CONJUNCTION extends MembersShouldConjunction<?>>
  • Method Details

    • haveName

      Asserts that members have a certain name (i.e. field name, method name or JavaConstructor.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME).
      name - The member name
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notHaveName

      Asserts that members do not have a certain name (i.e. field name, method name or JavaConstructor.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME).
      name - The member name
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameMatching

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameMatching(String regex)
      Asserts that members have a name (i.e. field name, method name or JavaConstructor.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) matching a given regular expression.
      regex - A regular expression
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameNotMatching

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameNotMatching(String regex)
      Asserts that members have a name (i.e. field name, method name or JavaConstructor.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) not matching a given regular expression.
      regex - A regular expression
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveFullName

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveFullName(String fullName)
      Asserts that members have a certain full name (compare JavaField.getFullName() and JavaCodeUnit.getFullName()).
      fullName - The member's full name
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notHaveFullName

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notHaveFullName(String fullName)
      Asserts that members do not have a certain full name (compare JavaField.getFullName() and JavaCodeUnit.getFullName()).
      fullName - The member's full name
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveFullNameMatching

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveFullNameMatching(String regex)
      Asserts that members have a full name matching a given regular expression (compare JavaField.getFullName() and JavaCodeUnit.getFullName()).
      regex - A regular expression
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveFullNameNotMatching

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveFullNameNotMatching(String regex)
      Asserts that members have a full name not matching a given regular expression (compare JavaField.getFullName() and JavaCodeUnit.getFullName()).
      regex - A regular expression
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameStartingWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameStartingWith(String prefix)
      Asserts that members have a name starting with the specified prefix.
      prefix - A prefix the member name should start with
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameNotStartingWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameNotStartingWith(String prefix)
      Asserts that members have a name not starting with the specified prefix.
      prefix - A prefix the member name should not start with
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameContaining

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameContaining(String infix)
      Asserts that members have a name containing the specified infix.
      infix - An infix the member name should contain
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameNotContaining

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameNotContaining(String infix)
      Asserts that members have a name not containing the specified infix.
      infix - An infix the member name should not contain
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameEndingWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameEndingWith(String suffix)
      Asserts that members have a name ending with the specified suffix.
      suffix - A suffix the member name should end with
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveNameNotEndingWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveNameNotEndingWith(String suffix)
      Asserts that members have a name not ending with the specified suffix.
      suffix - A suffix the member name should not end with
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • bePublic

      Asserts that members are public.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBePublic

      Asserts that members are non-public.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beProtected

      Asserts that members are protected.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeProtected

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeProtected()
      Asserts that members are non-protected.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • bePackagePrivate

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION bePackagePrivate()
      Asserts that members are package private.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBePackagePrivate

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBePackagePrivate()
      Asserts that members are non-package private.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • bePrivate

      Asserts that members are private.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBePrivate

      Asserts that members are non-private.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • haveModifier

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION haveModifier(JavaModifier modifier)
      Asserts that members have a certain JavaModifier (e.g. JavaModifier.ABSTRACT).
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notHaveModifier

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notHaveModifier(JavaModifier modifier)
      Asserts that members do not have a certain JavaModifier (e.g. JavaModifier.ABSTRACT).
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
      Asserts that members are annotated with a certain type of annotation.
      annotationType - Specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
      Asserts that members are not annotated with a certain type of annotation.
      annotationType - Specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beAnnotatedWith(String annotationTypeName)
      Asserts that members are annotated with a certain type of annotation.
      annotationTypeName - Fully qualified class name of a specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeAnnotatedWith(String annotationTypeName)
      Asserts that members are not annotated with a certain type of annotation.
      annotationTypeName - Fully qualified class name of a specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beAnnotatedWith(DescribedPredicate<? super JavaAnnotation<?>> predicate)
      Asserts that members are annotated with an annotation matching the supplied predicate.
      predicate - A predicate defining matching JavaAnnotations
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeAnnotatedWith(DescribedPredicate<? super JavaAnnotation<?>> predicate)
      Asserts that members are not annotated with an annotation matching the supplied predicate.
      predicate - A predicate defining matching JavaAnnotations
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beMetaAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
      Asserts that members are meta-annotated with a certain type of annotation. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      annotationType - Specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeMetaAnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
      Asserts that members are not meta-annotated with a certain type of annotation. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      annotationType - Specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beMetaAnnotatedWith(String annotationTypeName)
      Asserts that members are meta-annotated with a certain type of annotation. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      annotationTypeName - Fully qualified class name of a specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeMetaAnnotatedWith(String annotationTypeName)
      Asserts that members are not meta-annotated with a certain type of annotation. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      annotationTypeName - Fully qualified class name of a specific type of Annotation
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beMetaAnnotatedWith(DescribedPredicate<? super JavaAnnotation<?>> predicate)
      Asserts that members are meta-annotated with an annotation matching the supplied predicate. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      predicate - A predicate defining matching JavaAnnotations
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeMetaAnnotatedWith

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeMetaAnnotatedWith(DescribedPredicate<? super JavaAnnotation<?>> predicate)
      Asserts that members are not meta-annotated with an annotation matching the supplied predicate. A meta-annotation is an annotation that is declared on another annotation.
      predicate - A predicate defining matching JavaAnnotations
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beDeclaredIn

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beDeclaredIn(Class<?> javaClass)
      Asserts that members are declared within the supplied class.

      would be violated by someField in
       class AnyOther {
           Object someField;
      javaClass - A class that members should be declared in
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeDeclaredIn

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeDeclaredIn(Class<?> javaClass)
      Asserts that members are not declared within the supplied class.

      would be violated by someField in
       class Example {
           Object someField;
      javaClass - A class that members should not be declared in
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beDeclaredIn

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beDeclaredIn(String className)
      Asserts that members are declared within a class of the supplied class name.

      would be violated by someField in
       class AnyOther {
           Object someField;
      className - Fully qualified name of a class that members should be declared in
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • notBeDeclaredIn

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION notBeDeclaredIn(String className)
      Asserts that members are not declared within a class of the supplied class name.

      would be violated by someField in
       class Example {
           Object someField;
      className - Fully qualified name of a class that members must not be declared in to match
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beDeclaredInClassesThat

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION beDeclaredInClassesThat(DescribedPredicate<? super JavaClass> predicate)
      Asserts that members are declared within a class matching the supplied predicate.

      would be violated by someField in
       class AnyOther {
           Object someField;
      predicate - A predicate which matches classes where members have to be declared in
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule
    • beDeclaredInClassesThat

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) ClassesThat<CONJUNCTION> beDeclaredInClassesThat()
      Allows to assert that members are declared within a certain class.

      would be violated by someField in
       class AnyOther {
           Object someField;
      A syntax element that allows restricting where members are declared in
    • containNumberOfElements

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) CONJUNCTION containNumberOfElements(DescribedPredicate<? super Integer> predicate)
      Asserts that the number of members checked by this rule conforms to the supplied predicate.
      A syntax element that can either be used as working rule, or to continue specifying a more complex rule