Interface ArchRule

All Superinterfaces:
CanBeEvaluated, CanOverrideDescription<ArchRule>, HasDescription
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClassesShouldConjunction, CodeUnitsShouldConjunction<CODE_UNIT>, FieldsShouldConjunction, MembersShouldConjunction<MEMBER>, MethodsShouldConjunction, ModulesByAnnotationRule<ANNOTATION>, ModulesRule<DESCRIPTOR>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Architectures.LayeredArchitecture, Architectures.OnionArchitecture, CompositeArchRule, FreezingArchRule, SliceRule

Represents a rule about a specified set of objects of interest (e.g. JavaClass). To define a rule, use one of the factory methods within ArchRuleDefinition, for example

 ArchRule rule = ArchRuleDefinition.noClasses().that().resideInAPackage("..svc..")

To write rules on custom objects, you can use ArchRuleDefinition.all(ClassesTransformer), where ClassesTransformer defines how the type of objects can be created from imported JavaClasses. E.g. if you want to define a rule on all imported methods you could specify a transformer to retrieve methods from classes, or if you're interested in slices of packages, the input transformer would specify how to transform the imported classes to those slices to run an ArchCondition against.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • check

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) void check(JavaClasses classes)
    • because

    • allowEmptyShould

      @PublicAPI(usage=ACCESS) ArchRule allowEmptyShould(boolean allowEmptyShould)
      If set to true allows the should-clause of this rule to be checked against an empty set of elements. Otherwise, the rule will fail with a respective message. This is to prevent possible implementation errors, like filtering for a non-existing package in the that-clause causing an always-passing rule.
      Note that this method will override the configuration property archRule.failOnEmptyShould.
      allowEmptyShould - Whether the rule fails if the should-clause is evaluated with an empty set of elements
      A (new) ArchRule with adjusted allowEmptyShould behavior