

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BasicSyncHandler extends ConnectionHandler

    Convenience implementation of ConnectionHandler which provides implementations for all of the necessary functions.

  2. trait ClientConnectionHandler extends ConnectionHandler

    ClientConnectionHandler is a trait meant to be used with outgoing connections.

  3. trait ConnectionHandler extends WorkerItem

    This is the base trait for all connection handlers.

  4. trait ConnectionInfo extends AnyRef

    A trait encapsulating live information about a connection.

  5. case class ConnectionSnapshot(domain: String, host: InetAddress, port: Int, id: Long, timeOpen: Long = 0, readIdle: Long = 0, writeIdle: Long = 0, bytesSent: Long = 0, bytesReceived: Long = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    This class is used to report some basic stats about a Connection.

  6. sealed trait ConnectionStatus extends AnyRef

    Represent the connection state.

  7. sealed trait ConnectionVolumeState extends AnyRef

    ConnectionVolumeState indicates whether or not if the Server is operating with a normal workload, which is represented by the current ratio of used / available connections being beneath the ServerSettings.

  8. case class DataBuffer(data: ByteBuffer) extends DataReader with Product with Serializable

    A thin wrapper around a NIO ByteBuffer with data to read

  9. sealed trait DataReader extends AnyRef

    A DataReader is the result of codec's encode operation.

  10. case class DataStream(source: Source[DataBuffer]) extends DataReader with Product with Serializable

  11. abstract class Delegator extends AnyRef

    A Delegator is in charge of creating new ConnectionHandler’s for each new connection.

  12. sealed trait DelegatorCommand extends AnyRef

    Currently unused; but will eventually be for async delegators, if we decide to allow them

  13. sealed trait DisconnectCause extends RootDisconnectCause

    Messages representing why a disconnect occurred.

  14. sealed trait DisconnectError extends DisconnectCause

    Subset of DisconnectCause which represent errors which resulted in a disconnect.

  15. trait KeyInterestManager extends AnyRef

  16. trait ManualUnbindHandler extends ClientConnectionHandler

    A Simple mixin trait that will cause the worker to not automatically unbind this handler if the connection it's attached to is closed.

  17. case class PollingDuration(interval: FiniteDuration, maximumTries: Option[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Simple class which contains parameters for configuring a polling operation

  18. case class ServerConfig(name: MetricAddress, delegatorFactory: (ServerRef, WorkerRef) ⇒ Delegator, settings: ServerSettings) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration used to specify a Server's application-level behavior

  19. trait ServerConnectionHandler extends ConnectionHandler

    Mixin containing events just for server connection handlers

  20. case class ServerRef extends Product with Serializable

    A ServerRef is the public interface of a Server.

  21. case class ServerSettings(port: Int, maxConnections: Int = 1000, maxIdleTime: Duration = ..., lowWatermarkPercentage: Double = 0.75, highWatermarkPercentage: Double = 0.85, highWaterMaxIdleTime: FiniteDuration = ..., tcpBacklogSize: Option[Int] = scala.None, bindingAttemptDuration: PollingDuration = ..., delegatorCreationDuration: PollingDuration = ..., shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains values for configuring how a Server operates

  22. case class ServerState(connectionVolumeState: ConnectionVolumeState, serverStatus: ServerStatus) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the current state of a Server.

  23. sealed trait ServerStatus extends AnyRef

    Represents the startup status of the server.

  24. trait WatchedHandler extends ConnectionHandler

    A Watched handler allows an actor to be tied to a connection.

  25. sealed trait WorkerCommand extends AnyRef

    These are a different class of Commands to which a worker will respond.

  26. case class WorkerConfig(io: IOSystem, workerId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains the configuration for each Worker.

  27. trait WorkerItem extends AnyRef

    A WorkerItem is anything that can be bound to worker to receive both events and external messages.

  28. case class WorkerItemBinding(id: Long, worker: WorkerRef) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the binding of an item to a worker

  29. class WorkerItemException extends Exception

  30. class WorkerItemManager extends AnyRef

    This keeps track of all the bound worker items, and properly handles added/removing them

  31. case class WorkerRef extends Product with Serializable

    This is a Worker's public interface.

  32. trait WriteEndpoint extends ConnectionInfo

    This is passed to handlers to give them a way to synchronously write to the connection.

  33. sealed trait WriteStatus extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ConnectionSnapshot extends Serializable

  2. object ConnectionStatus

  3. object ConnectionVolumeState

  4. object DataBuffer extends Serializable

  5. object Delegator

  6. object DelegatorCommand

  7. object DisconnectCause

  8. object PollingDuration extends Serializable

  9. object Server

    Servers can be thought of as applications, as they provide Delegators and ConnectionHandlers which contain application logic.

  10. object ServerStatus

  11. object Worker

    Like the server actor, it is critical that instances of this actor get their own thread, since they block when waiting for events.

  12. object WorkerCommand

  13. object WriteStatus
