
object Filter

Java API (not recommended): Callback for the Future.filter operation that creates a new Future which will conditionally contain the success of another Future.

Unfortunately it is not possible to express the type of a Scala filter in Java: Function1[T, Boolean], where “Boolean” is the primitive type. It is possible to use Future.filter by constructing such a function indirectly:

import static akka.dispatch.Filter.filterOf;
Future<String> f = ...;
f.filter(filterOf(new Function<String, Boolean>() {
 public Boolean apply(String s) {

However, Future.filter exists mainly to support Scala’s for-comprehensions, thus Java users should prefer, translating non-matching values to failure cases.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def filterOf[T](f: Function[T, Boolean]): T => Boolean