


package camel

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. camel
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. trait Activation extends AnyRef

    Activation trait that can be used to wait on activation or de-activation of Camel endpoints.

    Activation trait that can be used to wait on activation or de-activation of Camel endpoints. The Camel endpoints are activated asynchronously. This trait can signal when an endpoint is activated or de-activated.

  2. class ActorNotRegisteredException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown to indicate that the actor referenced by an endpoint URI cannot be found in the actor system.

  3. class ActorRouteDefinition [T <: ProcessorDefinition[T]] extends AnyRef

    Wraps a org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition.

    Wraps a org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition. There is an implicit conversion in the akka.camel package object that converts a ProcessorDefinition into this type. Because of this conversion, it is possible to use an akka.actor.ActorRef as a to parameter in building a route:

    class TestRoute(system: ActorSystem) extends RouteBuilder {
      val responder = system.actorOf(Props[TestResponder], name = "TestResponder")
      def configure {
  4. class AkkaCamelException extends AkkaException

    An exception indicating that the exchange to the camel endpoint failed.

    An exception indicating that the exchange to the camel endpoint failed. It contains the failure cause obtained from Exchange.getException and the headers from either the Exchange.getIn message or Exchange.getOut message, depending on the exchange pattern.

  5. trait Camel extends Extension with Activation

    Camel trait encapsulates the underlying camel machinery.

    Camel trait encapsulates the underlying camel machinery. Note: CamelContext and ProducerTemplate are stopped when the associated actor system is shut down. This trait can be obtained through the akka.camel.CamelExtension object.

  6. class CamelSettings extends AnyRef

    Settings for the Camel Extension

  7. trait ContextProvider extends AnyRef

    Implement this interface in order to inject a specific CamelContext in a system An instance of this class must be instantiable using a no-arg constructor.

  8. final class DefaultContextProvider extends ContextProvider

    Default implementation of akka.camel.ContextProvider Provides a new DefaultCamelContext per actor system

  9. trait ProducerSupport extends Actor with CamelSupport

    Support trait for producing messages to Camel endpoints.

  10. class CamelMessage extends Serializable with Product

    An immutable representation of a Camel message.

    An immutable representation of a Camel message.


    (Since version 2.5.0) Akka Camel is deprecated in favour of 'Alpakka', the Akka Streams based collection of integrations to various endpoints (including Camel).

  11. trait Consumer extends Actor with CamelSupport

    Mixed in by Actor implementations that consume message from Camel endpoints.

    Mixed in by Actor implementations that consume message from Camel endpoints.


    (Since version 2.5.0) Akka Camel is deprecated in favour of 'Alpakka', the Akka Streams based collection of integrations to various endpoints (including Camel).

  12. trait Oneway extends Producer

    A one-way producer.

    A one-way producer.


    (Since version 2.5.0) Akka Camel is deprecated in favour of 'Alpakka', the Akka Streams based collection of integrations to various endpoints (including Camel).

  13. trait Producer extends ProducerSupport

    Mixed in by Actor implementations to produce messages to Camel endpoints.

    Mixed in by Actor implementations to produce messages to Camel endpoints.


    (Since version 2.5.0) Akka Camel is deprecated in favour of 'Alpakka', the Akka Streams based collection of integrations to various endpoints (including Camel).

Value Members

  1. implicit def toActorRouteDefinition[T <: ProcessorDefinition[T]](definition: ProcessorDefinition[T]): ActorRouteDefinition[T]

    To allow using Actors with the Camel Route DSL:

    To allow using Actors with the Camel Route DSL:

  2. object Ack extends Product with Serializable

    Positive acknowledgement message (used for application-acknowledged message receipts).

    Positive acknowledgement message (used for application-acknowledged message receipts). When autoAck is set to false in the akka.camel.Consumer, you can send an Ack to the sender of the CamelMessage.

  3. object CamelExtension extends ExtensionId[Camel] with ExtensionIdProvider

    This class can be used to get hold of an instance of the Camel class bound to the actor system.

    This class can be used to get hold of an instance of the Camel class bound to the actor system.

    For example:

    val system = ActorSystem("some system")
    val camel = CamelExtension(system)
    See also



  4. object CamelMessage extends (Any, Map[String, Any]) ⇒ CamelMessage with Serializable

    Companion object of CamelMessage class.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
