



package cache

Contains the Cache access API.

Linear Supertypes

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncCacheApi extends AnyRef

    The cache API

  2. class Cached extends AnyRef

    A helper to add caching to an Action.

  3. final class CachedBuilder extends AnyRef

    Builds an action with caching behavior.

    Builds an action with caching behavior. Typically created with one of the methods in the Cached class. Uses both server and client caches:

    • Adds an Expires header to the response, so clients can cache response content ;
    • Adds an Etag header to the response, so clients can cache response content and ask the server for freshness ;
    • Cache the result on the server, so the underlying action is not computed at each call.
  4. class DefaultSyncCacheApi extends SyncCacheApi with CacheApi

    A SyncCacheApi that wraps an AsyncCacheApi

  5. type NamedCache = cache.NamedCache
  6. trait SyncCacheApi extends AnyRef

    A cache API that uses synchronous calls rather than async calls.

    A cache API that uses synchronous calls rather than async calls. Useful when you know you have a fast in-memory cache.

  7. trait CacheApi extends AnyRef

    A cache API.

    A cache API. This class is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.


    (Since version 2.6.0) Use SyncCacheApi or AsyncCacheApi instead

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
