
package json

Json API For example:

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

case class User(id: Long, name: String, friends: Seq[User] = Seq.empty)
object User {

  // In this format, an undefined friends property is mapped to an empty list
  implicit val format: Format[User] = (
    (__ \ "id").format[Long] and
    (__ \ "name").format[String] and
    (__ \ "friends").lazyFormatNullable(implicitly[Format[Seq[User]]])
      .inmap[Seq[User]](_ getOrElse Seq.empty, Some(_))
  )(User.apply, unlift(User.unapply))

//then in a controller:

object MyController extends Controller {
   def displayUserAsJson(id: String) = Action {
      Ok(Json.toJson(User(id.toLong, "myName")))
   def saveUser(jsonString: String)= Action {
     val user = Json.parse(jsonString).as[User]
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. json
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ConstraintFormat extends AnyRef
  2. trait ConstraintReads extends AnyRef
  3. trait ConstraintWrites extends AnyRef
  4. trait DefaultFormat extends AnyRef

    Default Json formatters.

  5. trait DefaultReads extends LowPriorityDefaultReads

    Default deserializer type classes.

  6. trait DefaultWrites extends LowPriorityWrites

    Default Serializers.

  7. trait EnvReads extends AnyRef
  8. trait EnvWrites extends AnyRef
  9. trait Format [A] extends Writes[A] with Reads[A]

    Json formatter: write an implicit to define both a serializer and a deserializer for any type.

    Json formatter: write an implicit to define both a serializer and a deserializer for any type.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  10. case class IdxPathNode (idx: Int) extends PathNode with Product with Serializable
  11. case class JsArray (value: Seq[JsValue] = List()) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represent a Json array value.

  12. sealed abstract class JsBoolean extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represents a Json boolean value.

  13. final case class JsDefined (value: JsValue) extends AnyVal with JsLookupResult with Product with Serializable

    Wrapper for JsValue to represent an existing Json value.

  14. case class JsError (errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]) extends JsResult[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    The result in case of parsing errors.

  15. final case class JsLookup (result: JsLookupResult) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    A value representing the value at a particular JSON path, either an actual JSON node or undefined.

  16. sealed trait JsLookupResult extends JsReadable
  17. class JsMacroImpl extends AnyRef

    Implementation for the JSON macro.

  18. case class JsNumber (value: BigDecimal) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represent a Json number value.

  19. case class JsObject (underlying: Map[String, JsValue]) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represent a Json object value.

  20. case class JsPath (path: List[PathNode] = List()) extends Product with Serializable

    Path to a JsValue; As for path to file on FS, there may not be any matching value in the parsed JSON.

  21. trait JsReadable extends Any

    A trait representing a Json node which can be read as an arbitrary type A using a Reads[A]

  22. sealed trait JsResult [+A] extends AnyRef
  23. case class JsResultException (errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  24. case class JsString (value: String) extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represent a Json string value.

  25. case class JsSuccess [T](value: T, path: JsPath = JsPath()) extends JsResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    The result for a successful parsing.

  26. final class JsUndefined extends JsLookupResult

    Represent a missing Json value.

  27. sealed trait JsValue extends JsReadable

    Generic json value

  28. sealed trait JsonConfiguration extends AnyRef

    JSON configuration

  29. sealed trait JsonFacade extends AnyRef

  30. trait JsonNaming extends (String) ⇒ String

    Naming strategy, to map each class property to the corresponding column.

  31. case class JsonValidationError (messages: Seq[String], args: Any*) extends Product with Serializable

    A JSON validation error representation.

  32. case class KeyPathNode (key: String) extends PathNode with Product with Serializable
  33. trait LowPriorityDefaultReads extends EnvReads

    Low priority reads.

    Low priority reads.

    This exists as a compiler performance optimization, so that the compiler doesn't have to rule them out when DefaultReads provides a simple match.

    See for more details.

  34. sealed trait LowPriorityWrites extends EnvWrites
  35. trait OFormat [A] extends OWrites[A] with Reads[A] with Format[A]
  36. trait OWrites [-A] extends Writes[A]
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  37. trait PathFormat extends AnyRef
  38. sealed trait PathNode extends AnyRef
  39. trait PathReads extends AnyRef
  40. trait PathWrites extends AnyRef
  41. trait Reads [A] extends AnyRef

    Json deserializer: write an implicit to define a deserializer for any type.

    Json deserializer: write an implicit to define a deserializer for any type.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  42. case class RecursiveSearch (key: String) extends PathNode with Product with Serializable
  43. trait Writes [-A] extends AnyRef

    Json serializer: write an implicit to define a serializer for any type

    Json serializer: write an implicit to define a serializer for any type

    @implicitNotFound( ... )

Value Members

  1. val __: JsPath.type

    Alias for JsPath companion object

  2. object Format extends PathFormat with ConstraintFormat with DefaultFormat

    Default Json formatters.

  3. object JsArray extends Serializable
  4. object JsBoolean extends AbstractFunction1[Boolean, JsBoolean] with Serializable
  5. object JsError extends Serializable
  6. object JsFalse extends JsBoolean with Product with Serializable

    Represents Json Boolean False value.

  7. object JsLookupResult
  8. object JsNull extends JsValue with Product with Serializable

    Represents a Json null value.

  9. object JsObject extends Serializable
  10. object JsPath extends JsPath

    Companion object and root path.

    Companion object and root path.

    For an object { "name": "foo" }, the path to the name property is:

    JsPath \ "name"

    For an object { "id": 1, "nested": { "score": 0.12 } }, the path to the nested score is:

    JsPath \ "nested" \ "score"
  11. object JsResult
  12. object JsTrue extends JsBoolean with Product with Serializable

    Represents Json Boolean True value.

  13. object JsUndefined
  14. object JsValue
  15. object Json extends JsonFacade

    Helper functions to handle JsValues.

  16. object JsonConfiguration
  17. object JsonNaming

    Naming companion

  18. object JsonValidationError extends Serializable
  19. object OFormat
  20. object OWrites extends PathWrites with ConstraintWrites
  21. object Reads extends ConstraintReads with PathReads with DefaultReads

    Default deserializer type classes.

  22. object StaticBinding
  23. object Writes extends PathWrites with ConstraintWrites with DefaultWrites

    Default Serializers.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
